Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - Printable Version

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RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - thekid65 - 12-29-2012

Yeah, doubtful, as I'm sure every district already has a lawyer on retainer for whatever may come up during the school year.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - HairOfTheDog - 12-29-2012

(12-29-2012, 10:05 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: IDK HOTD. I feel a grade school shooting is not that far of a streach from any othershooting. In fact in the firearm circles this has ben discussed for years and the topic has always ended in believing that if/when it would happen it would be the straw that broke the cammels back.
We remembered the gradeschool in the UK that took 16 [I believe] childrens lives, that caused the gun bans in the UK. If could and did hapen there, it could happen here.

You may be right, F.U. Sandy Hook had installed the security door to minimize the possibility of being the target of harm; the possibility was there of course. But, the possibility is everywhere, sadly.

I just think it might be harder to prove that it was foreseeable that someone with no internal access would penetrate that security measure and go on a rampage. An elementary school shooting in this country wasn't a reality until Newton, and I don't know if there are any others aside from the one in the UK.

I agree with your post upthread, it will be interesting to see how this turns outs.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - username - 12-29-2012

We live in very fucked up times. I don't know about you but i don't think most people in my grandparent's generation would do that shit. A lot of people are morally bankrupt today.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - Sphincter Cop - 12-29-2012

(12-29-2012, 01:57 PM)username Wrote: We live in very fucked up times. I don't know about you but i don't think most people in my grandparent's generation would do that shit. A lot of people are morally bankrupt today.

This should warm your hearts........

[Image: newtown28n-1-web_zpsce0feb7d.jpg]
Woman charged in Newtown fraud sought Sandy cash

NEW YORK (AP) - A woman charged with trying to swindle donors by posing as a relative of a child killed in the Connecticut school massacre had also been soliciting money for Hurricane Sandy relief.

Nouel Alba was arrested Thursday and accused of concocting bogus tales about having to identify her nephew's body in order to raise money for a "funeral fund" for the victims.

The New York Post reports that in the days after Sandy struck, Alba also posted Web messages claiming she had founded several charities to assist storm victims.

But the postings were filled with false claims, as well as an invalid tax-ID number for one organization.

In an interview with CNN before her arrest, Alba denied being involved in any scam

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - Love Child - 12-30-2012

(12-29-2012, 07:49 AM)Duchess Wrote:

That family hit the fuckin' lottery when their kid wasn't killed, that alone would be enough for the average person. I see them as greedy bastards now.

I was just thinking sincerely that maybe they need help. Yes I am sure they are grateful, but damn the kids that survived, parents with kids that survived-they are all going to need some fucking help-and it is not cheap.

On the other hand-I have this feeling that some give in to the victim role much easier than others. But fuck god damn, it wasn't my town, nor was it my kids so I am not going to sit here and pass a lot of judgement at this time.

It is hard to ask for help when you need it. Of course it is going to be judged.

Just another perspective.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - Duchess - 12-30-2012

(12-30-2012, 03:02 AM)Love Child Wrote: I was just thinking sincerely that maybe they need help. Yes I am sure they are grateful, but damn the kids that survived, parents with kids that survived-they are all going to need some fucking help-and it is not cheap.

On the other hand-I have this feeling that some give in to the victim role much easier than others. But fuck god damn, it wasn't my town, nor was it my kids so I am not going to sit here and pass a lot of judgement at this time.

It is hard to ask for help when you need it. Of course it is going to be judged.

Just another perspective.

I felt that they were being greedy because I had read of all the help that had been offered to them as well as to the families who had lost their child or an adult loved one. There is no shortage of mental health experts/workers offering their services free of charge for as long as it is needed.

When I first heard of this I was even willing to believe that an ambulance chasing attorney had contacted them but that wasn't the case at all, they approached a lawyer within a week of the shooting. I'm very far removed from this horror and can still barely wrap my mind around what happened so I was stunned to see they made such a move within a week. I feel like they are using this godawful situation for financial gain.

Reading LC's crime forum for the past few years has disillusioned me when it comes to human nature. There was a time I may have applauded their actions & I would have felt they deserved it and had I read it was the parents of one of the murdered kids I probably would have kept my mouth shut but I see these parents as using this horror for their own monetary gain. I wish I didn't, I'd rather have compassion for them.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - Love Child - 12-30-2012

Nice reply thanks.
Now the kid will need even more help-being from the only family that sues over this.
Money can't solve problems and people think it is all about money and it isn't. It is just a mask.

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - username - 12-30-2012

(12-30-2012, 06:04 PM)Love Child Wrote: Now the kid will need even more help-being from the only family that sues over this.

I doubt they'll be alone in filing a lawsuit. Not by a long shot (unfortunately).

RE: Family of Newtown survivor SUING!! - SIXFOOTERsez - 01-01-2013

Looks like the stupid cow got slapped down.,0,1553137.story

$100 million claim against Conn. in school shooting dropped

Edith Honan


10:54 AM CST, January 1, 2013

(Reuters) - A $100 million claim filed against the state of Connecticut in the wake of a school shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead two weeks ago is misguided, Connecticut's attorney general said in a statement on Monday.

Last week, a New Haven-based attorney filed an intention to sue the state on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor of the December 14 attack - the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history.

Under Connecticut law, any claim against the state must be approved by the state claims commissioner before it can move forward. The state attorney general serves as the state's defense attorney.

"Our hearts go out to this family, and to all the children and families affected by the Newtown shootings," Attorney General George Jepsen said in a statement. "They deserve a thoughtful and deliberate examination of the causes of this tragedy and of the appropriate public policy responses."

A public policy response by the U.S. Congress and the Connecticut state legislature would be "more appropriate" than legal action, said a spokeswoman for Jepsen.

"Although the investigation is still under way, we are aware of no facts or legal theory under which the State of Connecticut should be liable for causing the harms inflicted at Sandy Hook Elementary School," the statement added.

Connecticut attorney Irv Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr.

Vance said on Monday that he has not yet seen the claim and could not comment on a pending legal matter.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School, according to the claim.

Pinsky's claim said that the state Board of Education, state Department of Education and state education commissioner had failed to take appropriate steps to protect children from "foreseeable harm" and had failed to provide a "safe school setting."

"We all know it's going to happen again," Pinsky said last week. "Society has to take action."

Pinsky said he was approached by the child's parents within a week of the shooting. He did not immediately respond to a request for a comment on Monday.

The shooting, in which Lanza took his own life, has prompted extensive debate about gun control and the suggestion by the National Rifle Association that schools be patrolled by armed guards. Police have said the gunman killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, at their home in Newtown before going to the school about 5 miles away.

Earlier on Monday, a spokesman for Adam Lanza's father, Peter Lanza, said the family had claimed the gunman's body from the state medical examiner's office. Plans for Lanza's burial were not disclosed.

(Additional reporting by Chris Francescani; Editing by Dan Burns, Leslie Gevirtz and Maureen Bavdek)

(This story was corrected to fix the school name to Sandy Hook in the sixth and ninth paragraphs)