is calling someone 'FAT' bigotry? - Printable Version

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RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Cracker - 12-09-2010

Don't read this Duchess:

How does she eliminate? How does that behemoth poop? How does she wipe? How does she even pee? Can you imagine what the bed smells like under her ass?

I wonder what size shoes she wears.

I'm glad I went to work today so she can get her disability check.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Maggot - 12-09-2010

I had just come out of the deli with a meat and potato pie, large fries, mushy peas and a jumbo sausage. A poor homeless man sat there and said "I've not eaten in two days" I told him "I wish I had your fucking will power!"

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Carsman - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 05:46 PM)Maggot Wrote: I had just come out of the deli with a meat and potato pie, large fries, mushy peas and a jumbo sausage. A poor homeless man sat there and said "I've not eaten in two days" I told him "I wish I had your fucking will power!"


RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Maggot - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 05:07 PM)Cracker Wrote: I wonder what size shoe she wears.

Fixed it for ya.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - bampton - 12-09-2010

I don't discriminate when it comes to fat people because I grew up with obese family members. I know how they got that way. For some people it is truly genetic and physiologic. For some it's because of their socioeconomic money to buy healthy food, so they have to buy cheaper food which is nutritionally substandard. Obviously they're gonna pack on the pounds.

I'm not sure what this chick's gig is though. I bet her skin stinks.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Duchess - 12-09-2010

Goddamn Goddamn Goddamn gross shit! She wears a diaper! Holy shit! And her husband changes it for her. I'd kill myself, yes I would. How can she let her husband change her diaper! I would die, do you hear me, die, if I even farted in front of my man. I would. I would go up in flames, flames of embarrassment. Jesus Christ.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Lady Cop - 12-09-2010

she admits it is due to the way she has always eaten. nothing glandular, just gluttony.
she looks like a very sweet pleasant person.
and i give her husband credit, but like Duchess, i would eat my gun before i let my lover change my diaper! ewwwww the humilation!
i want to know what goes through your mind when you see yourself becoming morbidly obese and don't STOP and get a grip at that point? before you turn into jabba the hut. why do you keep going when it's apparent you are a hippo? how do you let it get so bad that you cannot have a life?? seriously, i want to know. is it like alcoholism or drug addiction, the same compulsions at work? what happens in your head when you first have to put on a diaper because you are grotesquely fat?
this looks like mental illness to me. it didn't have to get that bad.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - bampton - 12-09-2010

What the fuck? She wears a diaper? I must have missed that part! I would have to kill myself before I'd let my husband change my diaper and wipe my ass. That's just insane!! There's got to be a serioius mental illness scrambling that woman's brains.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - bampton - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 08:29 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Goddamn Goddamn Goddamn gross shit! She wears a diaper! Holy shit! And her husband changes it for her. I'd kill myself, yes I would. How can she let her husband change her diaper! I would die, do you hear me, die, if I even farted in front of my man. I would. I would go up in flames, flames of embarrassment. Jesus Christ.

You don't fart in front of your guy, Duchess? I can understand not wanted to take a dump and have him change your drawers, but no farting?

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Cracker - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 08:19 PM)bampton Wrote: I don't discriminate when it comes to fat people because I grew up with obese family members. I know how they got that way. For some people it is truly genetic and physiologic. For some it's because of their socioeconomic money to buy healthy food, so they have to buy cheaper food which is nutritionally substandard. Obviously they're gonna pack on the pounds.

I think those are reasons for the tendency of a person to become obese, but not good reasons. Not all poor people are fat, even in families where the exact same food is served. Some people overeat and don't exercise or move around enough to burn off the calories. Some people buy unhealthy foods when healthier choices are just as cheap. Some people eat fast food every day.

I watched one of those TLC shows on obesity where they staple the stomachs of morbidly obese people. They lost weight because they couldn't cram the food in anymore. The doctors said people always have about a hundred reasons why they got so fat, but in reality, they eat 5 to 15 times more calories than a "normal" person eats in a day. Huge people, like the lady wearing the diaper, eat over 30,000 calories a day. THAT'S how you get that big. If you are only half that big, in the 300's, you eat between 7,000 to 15,000 calories a day when you really only need around 2000.

I've heard obese people say they don't eat any more than anyone else. Unless they just eating french fries, I don't see how that can be mathematically true. It doesn't add up. If you eat within the recommended daily guidelines for caloric intake, and exercise a little, you should be good. I give a pass to people on Prednisone, because that does seem to pack the pounds on normally thinner people, but I don't think it's helpful to encourage obesity by giving it the power of genetics. We all have a body weight set point, but I guarantee nobody has a natural one that is in the obesity category. As far as physiological reasons, being obese messes up your body's functioning for sure. Being that heavy really turns you into a ticking time bomb of disease. I don't know how people do that to themselves. I couldn't be obese because I would be worried I would die and not be around for my family. I don't love food that much.

I know several people who have lost over a hundred pounds each over the course of a year or so. They will all tell you a healthier diet and more exercise is the secret, even the ones who have been heavy since childhood. A few of them did have gastric bypass surgery because they didn't have the will power to stop eating extreme amounts.

Obesity doesn't really bother me, and I don't hate fat people. I just think they need to be honest about why they are overweight so they can fix it so they can live longer.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Cracker - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 08:48 PM)bampton Wrote:
(12-09-2010, 08:29 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Goddamn Goddamn Goddamn gross shit! She wears a diaper! Holy shit! And her husband changes it for her. I'd kill myself, yes I would. How can she let her husband change her diaper! I would die, do you hear me, die, if I even farted in front of my man. I would. I would go up in flames, flames of embarrassment. Jesus Christ.

You don't fart in front of your guy, Duchess? I can understand not wanted to take a dump and have him change your drawers, but no farting?

What about pussy farts?

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Duchess - 12-09-2010

Look, I know people fart, I know chicks fart & laugh about doing so, I'm not one of them, simply talking about it is cringe worthy to me. Jesus.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Cracker - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 09:18 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Look, I know people fart, I know chicks fart & laugh about doing so, I'm not one of them, simply talking about it is cringe worthy to me. Jesus.

I'm not a farter, either. I'm just not that gassy. I haven't lived in the South long enough to enjoy ripping a good one in mixed company.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - FAHQTOO - 12-09-2010

(12-09-2010, 08:29 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Goddamn Goddamn Goddamn gross shit! She wears a diaper! Holy shit! And her husband changes it for her. I'd kill myself, yes I would. How can she let her husband change her diaper! I would die, do you hear me, die, if I even farted in front of my man. I would. I would go up in flames, flames of embarrassment. Jesus Christ.

115 That ^^^^^ was fucking hilarious!!!
What's even more funny is that I feel the exact same way....seriously!

I wanna know how the hell they can afford the grocery bill? Doesn't matter how unhealthy the food is, it still costs a fortune. I don't believe food stamps or disability would cover it. I've heard these fat fucks on talk shows talk about what their usual day of food is and it's disgusting. A dozen eggs, a gallon of OJ, a dozen doughnuts, a pound of bacon, stacks and stacks of pancakes and the fake fattening syrup to go with them...and that's only breakfast.....It's nauseating to think about.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Lady Cop - 12-26-2010

could this sow be any more repulsive? or mental? who is paying for this crap? us? the baby daddy doesn't appear to be around.

Stuffed! The 30,000-calorie Christmas feast eaten by the world's fattest mum in ONE two-hour sitting.
(a stone is 14 pounds)
Daily Mail

A New Jersey woman who hopes to become the fattest woman in the world got 30,000 calories closer to her 1,000lb goal with a festive feast that could have fed dozens of revelers.

The single mother-of-two tucked into two 25lb turkeys, two maple-glazed hams, 15lbs of potatoes (10lbs roast, 5lbs mashed), five loaves of bread, five pounds of herb stuffing, four pints of gravy, four pints of cranberry dressing and an astonishing 20lbs of vegetables.

After polishing off her enormous main course, she still had room for dessert and ate a 'salad' made of marshmallow, cream cheese, whipped cream and cookies.

Donna's two children, Devin, 14, and Jacqueline, three, enjoyed a more modest feast.

The 5'2 Donna defended her £150 meal, saying: 'I eat as much as I want, whenever I want but at this time of year I really go all out.

'Christmas should give you carte blanche to do whatever you want.'

Donna, who insists she is healthy, told the Sunday Mirror: 'People who feel guilty about eating are hilarious.'

She makes a living from being fat, getting paid to make public appearances and keeping a website where people can pay to watch her eat.

Already a Guinness world record holder for being the largest woman to ever give birth, Donna hopes to gain 25 stone more and officially become the fattest woman in the world.

She needed a team of 30 medics to deliver her daughter Jacqueline during a high-risk Caesarean birth.

Donna met Jacqueline's father Philippe on a dating site for plus-size people, even though he weighed only 10 stone.

He supported her 12,000-calorie a day diet and was a 'belly man' who loved her enormous shape.

Donna has always been plus sized.

When she was 19 she met her first husband, who worked as a chef at a steak restaurant.
She insists she's healthy even though she needs a scooter to get around and can barely walk. Her Christmas feast cost an astonishing £150

'He worked night shifts and would come home at 2 or 3am and bring the leftovers with him,' she said.

'We'd stay up and eat huge piles of steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy with butter.

'I started gaining weight quickly and my husband liked it.

'He said I was sexier when I was bigger, and I felt happier too.'

When she was 27, Donna weighed 25 stone, and fell pregnant with her eldest son, Devin. Her marriage ended soon after and she turned to food for comfort.

By the age of 31, she weighed 43 stone and decided to try and lose weight. She lost five stones in six months and was due to have a gastric band operation.

But just before she was due to go under the knife, her friend died during a similar operation.

'That was a sign for me,' she said. 'I decided it just wasn't worth it. I like being the way I am.'

Donna, then 37 stone, came across a website which celebrated obese women.

When she admitted her real size, Donna was flooded with emails from men.

'They sent me gifts through the post, like protein shakes to help me put on weight faster,' she said.

And she unrepentant of her weight-gain goal, despite risking her own life in the process.

'I love eating and people love watching me eat,' she said.

'It makes people happy, and I'm not harming anyone.'

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - QueenBee - 12-26-2010

OK, I am fat..but no where near as obese as the last couple of ladies pictured. I know it is not genes, or glands or even anount of food I is the amount of empty calories I take in, the sugary ones. I mean..I can go to an all you can eat buffet, fill my plate once..and not even to over flowing or anything gross, and that will usually be it.
I have found that when I am more mobile, the pounds do come off.
But when I hear of people eating things like a pound of bacon, or a dozen eggs and 6 slices of breat it just makes me sick.
The other night, Rick wanted a sub for dinner..I got an 18 piece order of wings. They lasted me 3 meals, and I still ended up giving him some of them.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Duchess - 12-26-2010

How the hell can she say she's healthy. Jesus Christ. She's gross, that much fat is repulsive, all that jiggly lard. *ick*

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - QueenBee - 12-26-2010

Duchess..just thought of you. My husband just farted..a big stinky one. Smiley_emoticons_kotz

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Duchess - 12-26-2010

Fucking fuck, QB.

RE: is calling 'FAT' a hate crime? - Maggot - 12-26-2010

oh-oh......Smiley_emoticons_shocked I'm hiding my Doritos.