Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Printable Version

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RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - BlueTiki - 05-02-2011

I do not begrudge any person publicly displaying their reaction to the news of the death of Bin Laden . . . as long as person or property is NOT injured.

I witnessed the destruction of downtown Denver after a victorious sporting championship.

Was justice served? Hell . . . he could have been captured and died of complications of diabetes while awaiting trial. Dead is dead.

Instead of concentrating on the possible backlash from public "celebration", my focus is on the legacy and strategies he passed to the faithful.

Please excuse me . . . I'm gonna have a green chili (Hatch) burrito with pork, to honor his passage to the land of the waitng and willing virgins.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Midwest Spy - 05-02-2011

It feels like it's been a long time coming, but, I'm very pleased that this monster did not disappear from the U.S. radar.

Regardless of which side of the political fence you call home, you have to have deep admiration for the President personally making this happen. For having the cojones to go on to a sovereign nations soil and eliminate the worlds most notorious terrorist.

I would've paid A LOT of money to see the look on Bin Laden's face as a team of Seals was there to personally escort him to the 'afterlife'. How do you say, "Holy Shit" in Arabic?? PRICELESS.

Thought G.W. looked classy in his praise of Obama as well.

This is a victory for this nation, period. Don't let politics ruin it.

Also, do not forget the thousands of Americans who not only died during 9/11, but have fought for this country and paid the ultimate price. This is a small piece of retribution, but most certainly worth the wait!

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - IMaDick - 05-02-2011

Hatch chile's are the best!

Username , hate is a strong word, one that I hadn't considered when dealing with the fucked up individual that was elected president.

So far he hasn't done shit that is on the positive side of the chart for this country, pretending that He done anything in relation to finding and killing bin laden just adds to the spectre of phony that is his most obvious quality.

As for the celebration here in the US, my feeling is let the people party if that is what they want to do, as for the lack of celebration in the UK, that is their way of saying we accept the terrorists with open arms, we don't care who you are, if bin laden had went to london he would have still been safe and sound wrapped in the arms of the stupidest people this world has ever inbred.

These people who are associated with bin laden worship martyrs, that is their whole form of worship.

Islam is wrapped in the martyr worship from allah to bin laden, please don't be so naive as to believe that his body was not booby trapped.

His death IMO will be the trigger for new and escalated terror attacks around the world.

I'm glad he is dead if in fact he is, the world may never know, don't be surprised if you see a message from beyond the briny deep, that would fit with his persona and his plan.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Midwest Spy - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 11:53 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Dead is dead.

Tiki, I normally agree with most of your insights. In this instance, I feel that if he would've died a natural death, and was simply 'dead', it wouldn't have the same impact.

This says, regardless of the time it takes, there is no statue of limitations, and we will ultimately eliminate you. Our way, not yours.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Cynical Ninja - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: So far he hasn't done shit that is on the positive side of the chart for this country, pretending that He done anything in relation to finding and killing bin laden just adds to the spectre of phony that is his most obvious quality.

As the commander in chief Obama is the chief architect of Bin Ladens demise.

This are the facts dick, whether you like it or not.


RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Cynical Ninja - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: As for the celebration here in the US, my feeling is let the people party if that is what they want to do, as for the lack of celebration in the UK, that is their way of saying we accept the terrorists with open arms, we don't care who you are, if bin laden had went to london he would have still been safe and sound wrapped in the arms of the stupidest people this world has ever inbred.

We don't dance around like fucking morons in the UK because we are not self deluded, empty headed jingoistic mongs like the retards doing the do-si-do outside the Whitehouse.


RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - IMaDick - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:38 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
(05-02-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: So far he hasn't done shit that is on the positive side of the chart for this country, pretending that He done anything in relation to finding and killing bin laden just adds to the spectre of phony that is his most obvious quality.

As the commander in chief Obama is the chief architect of Bin Ladens demise.

This are the facts dick, whether you like it or not.


Bite me midget.

As the President he signed an assassination order.

but based on his speech I'm not sure when, was it last week or was it yesterday?

was his address pre recorded and thats why he had the day wrong?hah

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Duchess - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: as for the lack of celebration in the UK, that is their way of saying we accept the terrorists with open arms, we don't care who you are, if bin laden had went to london he would have still been safe and sound wrapped in the arms of the stupidest people this world has ever inbred.

You are, without a doubt, one of the stupidest people that's ever been my misfortune to encounter both online & in real life. You sir, are the cherry on the cake of stupidity.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Lady Cop - 05-02-2011

17 statue of limitations---->
[Image: 235.jpg]

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - IMaDick - 05-02-2011

That would make you the cake.
just because you can't think the way I do, and come to the conclusions I do, doesn't mean you're not smart, it just means you have lived a sheltered life with little or no interaction with the way things really work.

but thanks for the attempted protection of the weird little man from the UK, I'm sure his mommy would thank you personally if she could, but she knows the twit too well to fall for any of this shit.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - IMaDick - 05-02-2011

May be one of you can help me out a bit here.

I have been looking for the indictment against bin laden, you know one where he was charged with the murder of the people in the WTC, I can't find it anywhere.

I know that he was wanted in connection with the 911 attack by the FBI, but was he every actually indicted on the charges?

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Cynical Ninja - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:43 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Bite me midget.

As the President he signed an assassination order.

but based on his speech I'm not sure when, was it last week or was it yesterday?

was his address pre recorded and thats why he had the day wrong?hah

Swallow your bile grow a pair and hail to the CHIEF........

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - IMaDick - 05-02-2011

Way to go David! due to your tireless and vigilant commitment to bring bin laden to justice that goal has been reached.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Duchess - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:47 PM)IMaDick Wrote: it just means you have lived a sheltered life with little or no interaction with the way things really work.

I'll give you that because there's probably some truth to it...but it doesn't take away from how I feel as an American. I go through life not being bothered by how others choose to present themselves because it doesn't have anything to do with me or how others view me but this celebration of death is bugging the hell out of me. I think it's unseemly for Americans to publicly rejoice in a death, to me it's everything I despise about some of those other countries, their cavalier attitude in regards to death, the blood thirsty glee. Ugh. I'm pissed & I rarely feel that in here. Jesus Christ.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - BlueTiki - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:26 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: In this instance, I feel that if he would've died a natural death, and was simply 'dead', it wouldn't have the same impact.

Believe me, I agree with your statement. I'm sure many around the world, fantasized about the various ways Bin Laden would meet his death.

The purpose of the mission (Bush and Obama) was to find and eliminate (kill) "THE" biggest enemy combatant. His death was both the definition of a successful mission and the meting of justice. Death was the objective and the sentence. It did not define the method of death.

Would some folks have preferred a capture and trial? Sure. There is a pleasure and satisfaction when the guilty are forced to face those they have injured.

My personal fantasy was to wrap him in bacon and force him to read a comic book with a cartooned Mohammed as the cuckold owner of a liquor store with a stripper wife.

And make him sing in the choir of a Southern Baptist church.

The "Blackhawk Down" thing . . . not so much.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Cynical Ninja - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:47 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Just because you can't think the way I do

I am thinking that would require some kind of severe head trauma?

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Midwest Spy - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:45 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: 17 statue of limitations---->
[Image: 235.jpg]

Holy crap. My first spelling error here. Must've been waiting a long time for that one.

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Cynical Ninja - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:44 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(05-02-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: as for the lack of celebration in the UK, that is their way of saying we accept the terrorists with open arms, we don't care who you are, if bin laden had went to london he would have still been safe and sound wrapped in the arms of the stupidest people this world has ever inbred.

You are, without a doubt, one of the stupidest people that's ever been my misfortune to encounter both online & in real life. You sir, are the cherry on the cake of stupidity.

Yeah didn't you know we accept terrorists with open arms duch?

That's why we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, that's why we have the largest British military base since world war 2 in Afghanistan, thats why our intelligence services aids the US in kidnapping people and sending them to gitmo, that's why we hold terrorist suspects in custody without any evidence or charges.


RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Midwest Spy - 05-02-2011

(05-02-2011, 12:56 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: My personal fantasy was to wrap him in bacon and force him to read a comic book with a cartooned Mohammed as the cuckold owner of a liquor store with a stripper wife.

And make him sing in the choir of a Southern Baptist church.

The "Blackhawk Down" thing . . . not so much.

I certainly did not need to see him dragged through the streets or publicly hanged. If everything went down the way it's been presented, I'm perfectly happy knowing he was startled awake, realized Americans were there for him, and took a bullet to the head.

Nicely done, Navy Seals!!!

RE: Breaking news @ 11pm -Osama Bin Laden dead - Duchess - 05-02-2011

Why are so many of you eager to believe what you are told? Haven't you learned anything? I'm as far from a conspiracy theorist as they come but Jesus Christ, people.
