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OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-27-2016

Just wanted to share the link to a online prepping info event. Might be some good info tossed out here.

FREE Online Event


Join 20 of the World's Leading Prepping and
Survival Experts As They Reveal Their
Best Strategies to Prepare for Any Threat

RE: OK Preppers - Donovan - 05-27-2016

It is my firmly held belief that, should any threat actually occur the way prepper fantasy enthusiasts think it will, the people who actually thrive will be those already used to living on little or no resources, i.e. the homeless. Any of the rest are just suckers spending their money on an expensive hobby. Look what happened to those Bundy clowns. Soon as the Ramen and expensive freeze dried k-cups ran out, they were fucked.

RE: OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-27-2016

Yes you are right to a degree. The closer you are to self sufficiency the better you will be when the SHTF. However the strong will survive. So be one of the strong and be as close to living off the grid right now as you can be. Then you will have the best odds of survival that you can be dealt.

RE: OK Preppers - Donovan - 05-27-2016

Depend on what type of SHTF you want to select. If it's a superbug or ecosystem disaster that does us in, as is far more likely than any other scenario, then strength won't matter much. Neither will bullets. And frankly, history tells us that in cases of rebellion , invasion, or occupation, those who survive are those who are best at keeping beneath notice. The masses. The strong, the defiant, the smart, the potential leaders of insurrection...they die first, and in numbers that no amount of hoarded weaponry would put a dent in.

Nothing wrong with playing at survivalist games, so long as you recognize them as the hobbies they are.

RE: OK Preppers - sally - 05-27-2016

Water I believe is the most important thing, you're not going to survive very long without it even though it's everywhere. It's a good idea to know how to clean it.

RE: OK Preppers - SIXFOOTERsez - 05-27-2016

I think there is a lot of BS in the prepper fantasy world, that said, it would be stupid to not be reasonably prepared for...whatever.
South Florida, Hurricane capitol of the world, when I moved here the media was all about a "Hurricane Box", WTF is that I say? Well, its a box with all the necessities you might need in case of a hurricane, couldn't have figured that out myself?
SO, turns out I have a camping box with all the stuff I need for Very Comfortable car camping and that just happens to be most of what was "Required"
SO, over the years I have added a pretty substantial collection of water Prep/Filtering stuff, sealed containers of rice, beans, flour and other staples. This was pretty cheap and easy to do. Been collecting guns and ammo for years because I like to and it Might be useful. SO I am about as materially prepared as I can see being needed.
Now it comes down to Skills....What do you know how to do? How many ways can you make a fire? Can you grow a garden? Can you make questionable water safe to drink? Can you hunt and procure food? Can you ID edibles in your immediate environment? Can you treat a sucking chest wound? I think most of the survival shows are stupid and don't watch any of them. But I have been working on these skills for decades. You want a luxurious camp trip? You wand to do a survival camp in the Glades? I can do either. Dono was right, it depends on what particular SHTF scenario comes along, some of my planning may go out the window, But I still have Skills..It might all be bullshit, but I would rather be ready and never need it than Oh Shit, Another hurricane andrew, Looters, no power for weeks, no water.....

RE: OK Preppers - Love Child - 05-28-2016

I went to the website. Entertaining!

Also, I feel very fortunate that I have not had to deal with a major natural disaster in my life time. We had forest fires last year, but that was mild compared to what other parts of the country deal with.

You have to go to this website and look at their pictures!

RE: OK Preppers - Donovan - 05-28-2016

Don't get me wrong, I like the prepper gear, some of it is useful as hell for the sake of everyday functionality. I just don't, strike that, CAN'T, allow myself to get caught up in the fear and paranoia they sell along with it. There is no emergency preparedness sold in a box that can compare to a calm mind and common sense. Panic has no place in an emergency, and as sixfooter said the best defense is knowing how to adapt and sustain. And use what is put in your path.

RE: OK Preppers - Duchess - 05-28-2016

I don't ever fear anything so drastic happening that I would need survival skills.

RE: OK Preppers - Donovan - 05-28-2016

I fear natural disasters and their aftermath more than anything else, and even those are transient events.

RE: OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-28-2016

I don't fear any one event more than another. I do prepare for any and all events though. Water, fire building, shelter building, medical, edible vegation, are all at the top of my list. Since I am a gun guy I do enjoy that aspect though.

RE: OK Preppers - Duchess - 05-28-2016

I fear tornadoes, that's for damn sure. They are my boogeyman.

RE: OK Preppers - HairOfTheDog - 05-28-2016

I am reasonably prepared for earthquakes and I'm drought-conscious as well.

However, if Donald Trump is elected president, I will no longer need to concern myself with drought.

You see, there really is no drought and that's why Trump can promise California farmers that he'll give them all the water they desire if he's elected president. That's what he told the California crowd yesterday. The drought is just a hoax to protect fish, he says -- the water shortage is just more mumbo jumbo like that silly climate change thingy those thousands of scientists around the world are using to punk the global population.

RE: OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-28-2016

I read the drought story this morning. Something about in protecting the endangered fish California diverts a certain amount of water to the ocean instead of letting it all flow to the farmers, or some shit like that. Anyway from what I gather he says screw the fish give all the water to the farmers. Am I pretty close on that HotD?

RE: OK Preppers - Duchess - 05-28-2016

(05-28-2016, 01:52 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: You see, there really is no drought and that's why Trump can promise California farmers that he'll give them all the water they desire if he's elected president. That's what he told the California crowd yesterday. The drought is just a hoax to protect fish, he says -- just more scientific mumbo jumbo like that silly climate change thingy those thousands of scientists around the world are using to punk the global population.


This is a good example of why Trump supporters don't get any respect, because those people are supporting this crap.

RE: OK Preppers - HairOfTheDog - 05-28-2016

That's about the gist of it, F.U.

And, I think it's fair enough if Trump wants to argue policies when it comes to water management and prioritization.

What's terribly irresponsible and just plain wrong is Trump telling the largely agricultural crowd that 'there is no drought' and failing to consider that the water which protects the endangered fish also flows to upstream farmers.

RE: OK Preppers - Duchess - 05-28-2016

(05-28-2016, 02:01 PM)F.U. Wrote: I read the drought story this morning. Something about in protecting the endangered fish California diverts a certain amount of water to the ocean instead of letting it all flow to the farmers, or some shit like that. Anyway from what I gather he says screw the fish give all the water to the farmers. Am I pretty close on that HotD?

That stupid cocksucker told the people there is no drought in California. Goddamn he's a moron of the highest order.

I just googled the story, FU, there are a ton of them on last night's rally alone, it's not hard to find.

RE: OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-28-2016

That will be president moron to you young lady.

I did read it this morning before work. I was just making sure I read it right.
I don't like his attitude about the little fish either. I don't want to see them become extinct because of lack of water. I want them kept alive in case we need them for bait fish in a shtf situation. The may be important to us preppers in a teotwawki situation.

See what I tried to do there? Hahaha

RE: OK Preppers - Donovan - 05-28-2016

Does it ever feel like Trump accidentally took this thing way farther than he ever wanted to, underestimated the sheer stupidity and vitriol of his own supporters, and now is trying to do or say ANYthing that will cause him to lose the election without having to admit he was trolling the whole time?

RE: OK Preppers - F.U. - 05-28-2016

Trolls, now there is something I don't worry about in a thetwawki situation. Zombies, yes, Trolls , No. ! Although we could probably learn a thing or two from a troll. Shelter building, food gathering, many things. Well, other than personal hygiene that is. It would be a stinky situation after the collapse of civilization if we all lived like trolls.