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~~trying to reason with hurricane season~~
look at that sonofabitch! it's aimed right at me! they are talking evacuations! WHY for christsake did i ever bother to leave fucking florida?? i KNEW the bastards would follow me!
i just stocked up on some canned goods and stripped some veg from the garden. but what's the point if there is no frigging electricity?!
one thing i learned after 12 fucking hurricanes was get some damn cash from the ATM and gas up the car.
because none of those things will work if the power is out all over the fucking place.
i am so pissed off. Furious

[Image: trackmap_storm2.jpg]


Messages In This Thread
RE: ~~trying to reason with hurricane season~~ - by Lady Cop - 08-31-2010, 04:30 PM