A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Printable Version

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RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Cracker - 08-07-2011

Why does this have to be voodoo? They kill troops or civilians over there every single day. Suddenly it's a big deal.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - BlueTiki - 08-07-2011

30 + at one pop, is not an everyday occurrence.

And they killed a dog, too.

It shifts the focus away from the home front's problems.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - IMaDick - 08-07-2011

Tiki if you were here I would bend you over and make your world rock like never before.

Some people are so fucking dense you could build a house out of their brains.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Duchess - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 01:30 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Some people are so fucking dense you could build a house out of their brains.

You spew this bullshit like your word is law & yours is the only correct opinion. It's not, pal. You pull shit out of your ass daily & present it as perfection. Fuck you.

Fuck you.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - IMaDick - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 06:03 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(08-07-2011, 01:30 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Some people are so fucking dense you could build a house out of their brains.

You spew this bullshit like your word is law & yours is the only correct opinion. It's not, pal. You pull shit out of your ass daily & present it as perfection. Fuck you.

Fuck you.


RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - username - 08-07-2011

Dick is channeling Shitstorm.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Cracker - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 01:21 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: 30 + at one pop, is not an everyday occurrence.

Yeah, they are partying at the Taliban like it's 2001!

I would like to know how many are maimed for life each day. As fucking horrible as this sounds, that is what cripples a country. The cost of caring for our wounded is staggering.

I wish we could write in where we want our tax money to go on the long form. User could continue to feed lazy asses. I would care for the wounded. Then I would be grateful to pay taxes.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - IMaDick - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 11:28 AM)username Wrote: Dick is channeling Shitstorm.

Feel better now?

I'm a purveyor of the obvious and I relate that to the oblivious.

get it lady O ?

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - BlueTiki - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 11:39 AM)Cracker Wrote: I would like to know how many are maimed for life each day. As fucking horrible as this sounds, that is what cripples a country. The cost of caring for our wounded is staggering.

And some think defense spending is only for lining the pockets of contractors and lobbyists.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - IMaDick - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 11:50 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: And some think defense spending is only for lining the pockets of contractors and lobbyists.

Tiki, you can't post in obscurities, we have some handicapped people here who miss the obvious in just about every case.

Let me clarify who it is that thinks this.

The liberal talking heads say that " defense spending is only for lining the pockets of contractors and lobbyists".

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Lady Cop - 08-07-2011


[Image: article-2023123-0D56BA4500000578-581_634x417.jpg]

A hero to the end: The family of Navy SEAL Michael Strange says he was on his third tour of Afghanistan and loved being in the service

[Image: article-2023123-0D562F6900000578-215_634x358.jpg]

Navy SEALs' loss: Aaron Carson Vaughn is one of the elite soldiers who was on the doomed chopper before it crashed in Afghanistan.

more photos of the lost here:

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Cracker - 08-08-2011

I just read that they were on a rescue mission (rescuing Army Rangers) when they were hit. That's why there were Rangers and SEALS on the chopper.

That's even more fucked up. Life isn't fair if you get rescued then shot down. That's so wrong.

If there is a God, He sucks.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Duchess - 08-08-2011

I hope it's not wrong to think he's seriously hawt.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Duchess - 08-08-2011

I just saw his wife & parents interviewed. 21

Bring these guys home. They are dying for nothing.

I don't want anyone there on my behalf. Nothing is being accomplished. We've had YEARS of nothing being accomplished.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Midwest Spy - 08-08-2011

I'm with you on this one Duchess. It's been nearly 10 years there, and what concrete evidence do we have that something's been accomplished?

Karzai looks as corrupted as anyone would be as President of a 3rd world country. The Taliban is obviously still effective and still armed. The country still is as backward as ever with Tribes running the society.

I can't stand thinking about our elite Forces dying in their transport vehicle. Not even a CHANCE to go down fighting. War is so different now. The Taliban, who the U.S. would wipe our asses with if it were a stand up type of fight, are almost our equals with this type of guerilla warfare. They can hide among women and children, and then shoot an RPG from a bedroom window to take out 30 Americans.

What made us think we could have a different outcome in that country? The USSR and the Brits before them didn't have any success, and we're right there with them.

What will it take to call it a completed mission?

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - BlueTiki - 08-08-2011

(08-08-2011, 11:23 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: They can hide among women and children, and then shoot an RPG from a bedroom window to take out 30 Americans.

Then it's time to start shooting the women and children. Kill anything that moves. The 'enemy's' uniform is civilian garb.

War needs no rules. If you can agree on rules, then keeping working until you agree on a solution. Rules give the illusion that killing is civil and just.

Fuck that.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Midwest Spy - 08-08-2011

(08-08-2011, 11:47 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Then it's time to start shooting the women and children. Kill anything that moves. The 'enemy's' uniform is civilian garb.

War needs no rules. If you can agree on rules, then keeping working until you agree on a solution. Rules give the illusion that killing is civil.

Fuck that.

As nice as it would be to 'kill anything that moves', you and I both know that won't ever happen. So, the solution would be to never enter an engagement where the playing field isn't level. We play by rules, our enemies don't.

Either carpet bomb or nuke the entire area, or don't get involved.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Lady Cop - 08-09-2011

Aug. 9, 2011 1100 hours

Two planes carrying the remains of U.S. service members killed in Saturday's Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan have landed at Dover Air Force Base this morning.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen is attending the return.

Thirty U.S. troops were killed when the Chinook helicopter that was transporting them to a battle between NATO forces and inurgents crashed in the Tangi Valley of Afghanistan.

News media outlets are typically permitted to photograph the coffins of fallen soldiers and Marines when they return to Dover but in this case cameras are prohibited as the remains have yet to be identified.

"Due to the catastrophic nature of the crash, the remains of our fallen service members will be returned to the U.S. via Dover AFB in "unidentified" status, until they can be positively identified by the Armed Forces Mortuary Affairs Office at Dover," the Pentagon said in a statement.

Pres. Obama will head a delegation of senior administration, Pentagon, and military officials who will salute the flag-draped caskets of the troops who died in a rescue mission this weekend in the worst single-day loss of the long Afghan war. The crash in eastern Afghanistan also marked the largest death toll in the history of the U.S. Special Operations Command, which oversees the SEALs and other elite units.


[Image: article-2024210-0D5E748900000578-381_634x458.jpg]
[Image: article-2024210-0D5E946700000578-87_634x420.jpg]

[Image: 11071.jpg]

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Duchess - 08-10-2011

International forces killed the Taliban insurgents responsible for shooting down a U.S. helicopter and killing 38 U.S. and Afghan forces over the weekend, but they are still seeking the top insurgent leader they were going after in Saturday's mission, the top American commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday.

Marine Corps Gen. John Allen told a Pentagon news conference that an F-16 airstrike Monday took out fewer than 10 insurgents involved in the attack on the Chinook helicopter.

In a separate statement Wednesday, the military said the Monday strike killed Taliban leader Mullah Mohibullah and the insurgent who fired the rocket-propelled grenade at the helicopter. The military said intelligence gained on the ground provided a high degree of confidence that the insurgent who fired the grenade was the person killed.

RE: A Heartbreaking Loss of Our Troops - Cracker - 08-10-2011

They have stepped up patrols. I don't get to hear from mine as much lately. I hope he doesn't develop a lifetime hatred for the people he is asked to stop. My dad hated the Japanese. I don't want the boy to be like that. That would bother me.

The civilians there aren't armed. They can't defend themselves against the Taliban. The Taliban kills the locals as easily as they kill us.

I never take our right to keep and bear arms for granted. As much as some don't want to admit it, the ability to be armed is an integral part of what it means to be a free people.