PC or right? What side are you on?? - Printable Version

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PC or right? What side are you on?? - QueenBee - 05-24-2014

Just wondering what you think of PC and the free speech police? It has been in the news of late, a lot. Most recently, locally, a couple of Howard Stern wanna-be's who hosted a morning show in these parts
were fired for comments against the transgender community. Calling them nutbags, and the like. Click their names for an article Kimberly and Beck . The issue being that there is controversy over whether health insurance should pay for sexual reassignment surgery.
Kimberly and Beck trashed the hell out of them mercilessly, going well beyond their usual brand of asshole behavior. You can research to learn more. Entercom, the owner of the station is felt to be in the right because the whole thing regflected negatively on the brand.
But with that, and the Clippers owner, and other issues out there.
Where does free speech end and common sense begin?
I am pretty liberal, as liberals go, but I think we as a community have become way too PC. Getting all up in arms over what to call people.

Being that I work in the disabled community, I see this a lot. SO I will speak of what I know OK, they have eliminated the word "retarded" from official vocabulary, and are trying to get people to understand the word can be hurtful. But to say "hearing impaired" rather than deaf. Physically challenged rather than handicapped? Deaf people have no issue with DEAF. That is what they are. People with cerebral palsy, in some areas are called "spastics". But for some, that is part of the medical definition of what they are.
I can go on boring all of you mockers, and that is not my intent.
I would just like to converse about words, racis
m and the First Amendment.

RE: PC or right? What side are you on?? - Duchess - 05-24-2014

(05-24-2014, 08:23 PM)QueenBee Wrote: Just wondering what you think of PC and the free speech police?

I'm pretty vocal in my opinion of free speech. I might not like some of what I hear but I want people to be entitled to say what they want so that I can too.

I have a filter in real life, I wouldn't dream of saying some of the things I've said in here.

RE: PC or right? What side are you on?? - Maggot - 05-24-2014

People should be able to say whatever they want not shouting "fire" in a theatre, that's not what its about. If people want to do things with their bodies that is not medically necessary they should pay for it 100% you don't see facelifts as an insured product.
With the world today you don't need to worry about free speech, the media will crucify you and make your life miserable if they get wind of anything, and with a glint in their eye will be off to your doorstep with a microphone.
Its the virgin ears that hear shit they don't like that get on their high horse and point fingers that piss me off more than anything anyone can say. They are the problem not a persons opinion.