How do you get Media Coverage? - Printable Version

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How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

Two employed members of my local Sheriff's Department carried out the fake eviction of my family of 4 after one of them had sold us her home on land contract and then changed her mind after she was fired by my sister and used her new position within the Sheriff's Department to take the home back by force under threat of arrest while concealing the fact that she was employed by the sheriff's department to make it look as though her co-worker, a deputy, was actually providing unbiased law enforcement assistance to our 9-1-1 call for help after we were locked out of our home. The co-worker deputy told my wife and I that home owners can change the locks on homes that they own as they please because they own the home and told us that we would be leaving our property peaceably or by arrest but we would be leaving one way or the other. Our home was then emptied. 95% of it's contents were removed/stolen.

A complaint was filed and I was told by the undersheriff that his deputy did nothing wrong and that I should sue him. The sheriff himself refused to do anything about our claim and forced my family into destitution.

The lockout was in violation of Michigan law MCL 600.2918 and the two co-workers working and conspiring with one another to deprive my family of our civil rights is a federal crime defined in Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242.

These events happened September, 2010 and we have been unable to afford lawyers but filed suit ourselves to preserve the statute of limitations. Our local newspaper is related somehow to the current sheriff's administration and will not run our story and we have been unable to get any news coverage of these events elsewhere.

Last month, on the very last day, I entered the race for Sheriff in the same county to help bring my case and my family's story to light and help us to get legal representation.

This story is about members of my sheriff's department using the department for personal interests outside the law and the current sheriff's department administration doing nothing about it.

THANKS in advance!


RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-12-2012

Your state ought to have a Renters Rights office of some sort. You're case is a little more extreme, but I'd start with them.

Check this link out. If there is no documentation of this process by the evictors, Legal Aid will give you pro bono representation Smiley_emoticons_biggrin You were smart to start the due process to keep your legal rights. Since you're already "out" let the courts settle this and then sue the FUCK out of those bastards. Triple damages plus all your losses. You can be made whole again.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-12-2012

also, set up a facebook page about this, and go to your hometown topix and whatever other local fora your area is served by and post post post. Fuck the newspapers, simply include them in the lawsuit, and let them know you intend to.

Go to legal aid if you're destitute, they'll give you free or affordable legal help.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Lady Cop - 06-12-2012

i told you to do an intro and load an avatar before posting. fuck off.

and why should anyone here believe you? or give a rat's ass?

i don't see any documentation or specifics.


RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Duchess - 06-12-2012


RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Lady Cop - 06-12-2012


and no 'patients' here, are you a doctor?

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

Cart before the horse, sry...

Ordinary family of four living in Michigan.
Prior US Naval submarine service and US patriot.
Worked on nuclear missiles for six years. Top level DOD clearance (inactive)
Built custom homes all over the US and Canada for the past 22+ years. (Timberframe)

I am here seeking wisdom. Smiley_emoticons_wink

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Lady Cop - 06-12-2012

much better Devin, and welcome. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

Thanks Lady Cop Smiley_emoticons_wink
Wow guys thanks for all the quick replies!
Iv'e been to the renters rights sights and it isn't a question of having been screwed over it has become a matter of getting things fixed.
Legal Aid isn't and doesn't get involved in suing... it's not their thing.
Facebook seems like something I should have already thought about... duh...

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Lady Cop - 06-12-2012

don't of course, post any personal information here.

you most likely need a lawyer.

you'll need local attention by interested parties and official channels.

i imagine there is much more to story.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

More to the story...
like... I was cooking crack in the basement? nope
I'm a wanted criminal? nope
Like we weren't paying for the property? nope

I wouldn't be here if there were "more" to the story. Their should be more to the story. I actually wish their was more to the story but their isn't.
This story is about employed members of a "Sheriff's Department" using it (a governmental agency) for personal gain at the expense of my family's constitutional civil rights.

Imagine if you will, going home tonight to find yourself locked out of your home. You call the police and they respond and tell you it's all cool and that someone had a right to lock you, your spouse and two minor children out of your own home and take everything you own in the home... (Beds, entertainment centers and equipment, dressers, appliances, etc, etc etc...)

What "more" does their need to be? What "more" could possibly justify a state action against your family? I have thought about this a lot! Their would be some scenarios that would have justified the actions of the state under color of law and of office but none of those would have happened outside the judicial system or judicial process with possibly one exception having to do with home land security and I assure the readers here that I am no leader of and wrongdoers looking to do harm to this country.

To my family, the effect has been the same as if our home burned to the ground and we didn't have insurance. Everything gone in an instant.

As a people, our most prized possessions are generally our home and it's contents. Gone in a flash... No police report, no court paperwork, no eviction, no due process but the "must be much more" stigma, even though their isn't "more" haunts us like no other.

After all... A Sheriff's Department would not seize your home without cause or justification right?

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Duchess - 06-12-2012

You need legal guidance in a big way. I understand that attorney fees are very costly but there may be attorneys in your area that would consider pro bono work.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

Their is "more" after the fact.

After our home and it's contents were seized/stolen by Sheriff's Department employees, I registered a complaint against the deputy at the Sheriff's department with the undersheriff. He told me that his deputy had done nothing wrong while shaking my complaint in his fist and told me to sue him. Then after making me wait then in the lobby, he came out and told me that he talked to the PA and advised me that if I could "prove" that my family "had not been evicted" that we should be able to get our house back. No offer of proof was given to evict but we were tasked with proving we were not evicted. I don't think that you have to be a lawyer to know that people are innocent until proven guilty but in our case it was reversed. I ask the readers here what "proof" they would have at this very instant that would demonstrate to anyone that they had not been evicted this week. The only real way would be to go to the courthouse and have printed something from the clerk that your name was not on file with any summary proceedings (lawsuits) in that district.

With the undersheriffs requirement of proof, we returned to the property and witnessed our home being looted. Armloads of our stuff was being stolen and loaded into a vehicle operated by a member of the Sheriff's Department and a call to 9-1-1 was again placed to report the crime. The same deputy came back to the property and then told his co-worker that our "proof" was compelling and that they needed to let us back into our home but then the co-worker claimed this time to have a court order signed by a judge but it was at her home and asked if she could go and get it and they deputy agreed allowing her to leave the property with a truckload of our stolen property only to return in a different vehicle and without any paperwork signed or unsigned.

Upon entry we noticed our home had been almost completely emptied. 95% of everything in our home was gone. We called 9-1-1 to report the theft and the deputy had told dispatch to ignore calls from us. I called again and asked for State Police and was refused. The same deputy came back that night and arrested me for misuse of 9-1-1 and took me to jail where I spent the night. Charges against me were ultimately dropped but on that day my family lost everything and my wife and kids lost me when I was arrested/kidnapped.

I know that my family needs legal representation and that brings me back to the title of this thread "How do you get Media Coverage?" With a little media coverage I should be able to get legal representation for my family.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Disciple - 06-12-2012

(06-12-2012, 09:03 AM)Devin1 Wrote: Two employed members of my local Sheriff's Department carried out the fake eviction of my family of 4 after one of them had sold us her home on land contract and then changed her mind after she was fired by my sister and used her new position within the Sheriff's Department to take the home back by force under threat of arrest while concealing the fact that she was employed by the sheriff's department to make it look as though her co-worker, a deputy, was actually providing unbiased law enforcement assistance to our 9-1-1 call for help after we were locked out of our home. The co-worker deputy told my wife and I that home owners can change the locks on homes that they own as they please because they own the home and told us that we would be leaving our property peaceably or by arrest but we would be leaving one way or the other. Our home was then emptied. 95% of it's contents were removed/stolen.

A complaint was filed and I was told by the undersheriff that his deputy did nothing wrong and that I should sue him. The sheriff himself refused to do anything about our claim and forced my family into destitution.

The lockout was in violation of Michigan law MCL 600.2918 and the two co-workers working and conspiring with one another to deprive my family of our civil rights is a federal crime defined in Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242.

These events happened September, 2010 and we have been unable to afford lawyers but filed suit ourselves to preserve the statute of limitations. Our local newspaper is related somehow to the current sheriff's administration and will not run our story and we have been unable to get any news coverage of these events elsewhere.

Last month, on the very last day, I entered the race for Sheriff in the same county to help bring my case and my family's story to light and help us to get legal representation.

This story is about members of my sheriff's department using the department for personal interests outside the law and the current sheriff's department administration doing nothing about it.

THANKS in advance!


In what capacity was the deputy fired by your sister? For what reason?

Did you substantially comply with YOUR end of the land contract? Is there anything in your land contract about remedies in the event of a breach of contract by the owner?

How much notice of the eviction were you given and were you informed of your right to a hearing?

I am impressed with your citations of Michigan and Federal Civil Rights law. Why haven't you contacted your State or local Federal Attorney General?

Suspect that we don't have all the pertinent information here.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - IMaDick - 06-12-2012

You should have let them arrest you if you left the property willingly while still in compliance with the contract you fucked up.

end of story.

Once in custody a lawyer is appointed if you cannot afford one, your rights are protected and violation if it occurs would be documented, the court would be your sounding board not a message board.

Here is a question since being forced out of your home have you continued to make payments? If you haven't you're in default, If you have and the money has been received and not returned would be the first step in proving ownership and a lack of eviction, if they took the money after eviction it would be a great day in court for you.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - OnBendedKnee - 06-12-2012

Interesting strategy coming here to a MOCK forum seeking legal advice.
Either way, good luck with your quest.

I'd stay away from generalities though along with bickering/name calling and baiting.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

My sister is a doctor and the woman was employed as a receptionist that made a habit of calling in sick on Mondays and thus fired.

Yes we complied with the terms of the land contract and had paid on it for seven months prior to the owner's breach.

Summary proceedings were not a part of this process. We were not sued for eviction and no court ruled or ordered an eviction.

Our complaint is against our Sheriff's Department which is an arm of the government. The Stat's Attorney General represents the interest of the state over state citizens.

Suspecting that things are missing is the hurdle that I have been unable to get past.

This is why I pose the question:
Q: What possible justification could there be that would allow any Sheriff's Department to take any family's home and it's contents without any due process, without any written or implied reason, without any paperwork what-so-ever?

From the research I have done, even tenancy in sufferance (squatters) could not and would not be subjected to what we have been subjected to. Even if it had been alleged that as the buyers we breached the contract for any reason does not authorize the government to seize our home and everything in it.

Their is supposed to be "Civil Process" for situations like this. Civil process and Due Process was skipped all together. Their was no warning, no notice, no eviction it just happened without all that. We were not prepared for this... Who would or could be. This isn't supposed to happen in this country.

The Sheriff's Department is tasked with carrying out "Courts Orders". Orders such as "Writs of Restitution" or "Orders of Eviction". Either of such orders would have been required to justify the Sheriff's Department's actions and neither took place but they acted as though they had. The Sheriff's Department executed court orders that didn't exist and never existed <ever>.

Please tell me "Disciple", in working backwards, what piece of pertinent information could be missing that could or would justify an employee's use of a Sheriff's Department to take back, for herself, a home and it's contents? A home that she had sold to the current lawful occupants.

Just for amusement lets say the contract itself was flawed somehow. Is this justification for a Sheriff's Department in seizing said property outside of any due process?
For argument sake, lets say we stopped paying per the terms of the agreement, Is this justification for a Sheriff's Department in seizing said property outside of any due process?

Honestly, the search for "pertinent Information", "more to the story" that is somehow missing is kicking my ass!
Honestly, please try and come up with what could be used to justify a state action against my family under color of law. Present a scenario using implied facts that that would make a persons home and it's contents subject to seizure justifiable. What could my family possibly have done that would allow our Sheriff's Department to take everything we have and destroy our businesses in the process?

Like I said, I have put a great deal of thought into this and the only thing that I can think of that would justify an action against my family at this magnitude would be something in the patriot act and this is not the case.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Duchess - 06-12-2012

(06-12-2012, 12:07 PM)OnBendedKnee Wrote: Interesting strategy coming here to a MOCK forum seeking legal advice.

That was my very first thought after reading his first post.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Devin1 - 06-12-2012

This "can" be as simple as the woman was pissed at my sister for having fired her and decided to breach her contract with us to get back at my sister and then used her new job (the Sheriff's Department) to take back the house by force. Comments that seem to imply that their must be some "justification" hidden somewhere, that would give rightful cause to the actions that took place against my family is nothing more than speculation. I don't mind the speculation really but offer something, anything that would or could justify what happened.

RE: How do you get Media Coverage? - Duchess - 06-12-2012

If you're pulling our leg I'll want to fuck you up. I actually have some compassion for you right now. I can't imagine losing my home, I'd probably have some kinda breakdown.