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Hey Republicans! Newt for President?
(03-12-2011, 11:44 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Yawn.

Like I said before you can't tar the suckers who bought the lies and the liars themselves with the same brush.

The invasion of Iraq was a neo-con construct, as predicted in the neo con document project for the new american century.

Awe the great conspiracy theory has finally been revealed.

There are liars and believers on both sides of the fence on the war OP.

Like I said early on either Bush was the smartest motherfucker who ever lived or everyone else involved who listened to him and didn't ask for or research for themselves are the stupidist motherfuckers who ever lived.

there is no room for both in your senario or your conspiratorial beliefs.

even then, given that bush lied and congress believed it, and Blair lied and england believed it, how was it the funding just kept flowing like so much water?

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams


Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey Republicans! Newt for President? - by IMaDick - 03-12-2011, 11:54 AM