04-01-2011, 12:08 PM
You fail to acknowledge that being an atheist is not a religion. It's not a club, it doesn't have a 'mission statement', there is no defined goal or purpose. It is a simple and singular belief that something does not exist.
If you tell me that you believe in ghosts and I tell you that's crazy, (as their is no scientific proof to justify/support it) does that mean I "oppose" ghosts?
No, it just means I choose not to acknowledge its/their existence. I do not believe in ghosts. You're free to believe all you wish. I'm not stopping you. You and Patrick Swayze are free to make all the imaginary pots you want.
If you ask if I like pizza and I tell you "no", I'm opposing it. You're still welcome to eat it and enjoy it. I'm not stopping you. I just CHOOSE to not eat any myself.
I think you should go take a class in logic and reason.
Take your dictionary with you too.
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw