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Is it necessary to have ED commercials...
(05-01-2012, 06:12 AM)ramseycat Wrote: The Extenz one was funny. I am just sick of seeing that crap. Sorry Dick. You could just talk to your doctor about your issue.
I understand the need for businesses to advertise. At one time I wanted to go into advertising. My niece works for the agency in NY that does the M&M commercials. She actually worked on the new ones with the new brown M&M. I am just sick of hearing about periods and tampons and men that can't get it up anymore.

I hear ya. You probably have to see more of it because you have the kids in the house with the television on. If I did, I might be viewing the issue like a mom too. Instead, I always wonder what is the ROI on this advertising expenditure? How much market saturation has the product achieved as compared to competitors with less exposure? Why did the advertiser choose this channel (when often the likely viewer demographic doesn't seem to match my perceived notion of their target market)? etc... I'm a bit boring that way. And, like I said, there's the funny factor - especially with the infomercial advertisements.

Another product that I don't remember seeing advertised much when I watched more television was prescription drugs. There's a pill for everything now and the volume of commercials on the subject is amazing to me. After the advertiser pushes you hard to convince you that you need a pill for that second toe that's slightly longer than the first, there will 47 side effects listed, as required by law. Number 47 is that all of your toes might fall off. Funny stuff, imo. hah

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is it necessary to have ED commercials... - by HairOfTheDog - 05-01-2012, 08:39 AM