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Conservative's Assertions re: Obama Admin
(05-19-2012, 11:02 PM)username Wrote: Government is totally corrupt and both sides are influenced by money, special interest groups and their party base.

We're fucked until we take all 3 of those out of the equation and elect people who are actually independent thinkers and are unbeholden to special interest groups and hostage to their party base.

But the mass sheeple won't vote for those candidates because they are told, and believe, "He can't win". Now, who does your above description fit that you have been told can't win? Who has been both maligned and ignored by the mainstream media and the entrenched party establishment? What politician - the ONLY politician - refuses to meet with lobbyists or take their money?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Conservative's Assertions Obama Admin - by shitstorm - 05-20-2012, 08:18 PM