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There's a bill on the House floor...
(06-22-2013, 03:11 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: I put innocent human lives before the right to own machine guns every time.

This shows you to be what you are: an unreasonable ideologue.

Machine guns are illegal in the US. Have been for quite some time. Find you a hunting rifle that can fire 800 rounds per minute? In yet another nod to your complete ignorance, any semi-automatic weapon will fire EXACTLY THE SAME AS A SCARY LOOKING AR-15. For each pull of the trigger, a round will be fired - the spent casing ejected - and a new round will be chambered. If you pull the trigger once, one bullet. If you pull the trigger twice, two bullets. Get it? That's how semi-auto works... whether it's an AR-15, 9MM pistol, or .22 rifle.

Keep at it though sport, you'll get it eventually.

“CN you stoopid limey douchebag we “need” (notice i used the word “need” not want, crave or desire) assault weapons because.....”

Again, more ignorance from the ignorant. We have here what is called the Bill of RIGHTS. It's not called the Bill of NEEDS. Jesus man, take a civics class or something on the US Constitution if you want to understand it.

I've said a thousand times already... if the citizens of the US (notice I said the US, and not the UN or UK) want to get rid of the 2nd Amendement as written, they can at any time.

But until then, the answer to you sentence is simple:

CN we “need” (notice i used the word “need” not want, crave or desire) assault weapons because we currently have a RIGHT to own them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: There's a bill on the House floor... - by Jimbone - 06-23-2013, 03:37 PM