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Ben Carson rose to fame, in part, because of all of his books chronicling his incredible rise from poor and violent beginnings to a top surgeon.
Since he's a presidential candidate and now the GOP front-runner, the media is questioning him about his background and vetting him, as to be expected. So far, several of his claims can't be verified.
He's getting hot under the collar about it and screaming "liberal media bias", claiming he's being treated unfairly and the American people know it and will rally behind him. Not this American person. He has no political experience. He's used some of those incredible stories in his campaign. I would consider the media remiss if they didn't question him about his life and claims.
He seems truly off to me. Maybe it's a doctor/God complex thing I'm sensing, I don't know. Batshit policy statements, calling Obama-care worse than slavery, comparing everything to the Nazis, claiming he wasn't associated with a crooked supplement company when he endorsed their products in videos and speeches, believing that archaeologists are wrong and the pyramids were built to store grain rather than bury ancient rulers, going into meltdown mode when questioned about his background and turning it into a "you didn't do this to Obama" rant.. I don't get a good feeling about the man. He should just answer the questions.
The Wall Street Journal is far from liberal. They've run a couple of stories about the controversy over the last few days.
Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if FOX cow-tows to him and the current GOP "media is the root of all evil" campaign in Tuesday night's debate. I hope not. No media should back down from asking tough questions and doing their job.
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I know I said he seemed like a nice guy and everything as long as he keeps his day job as a doctor, but lately I'm thinking I wouldn't even want him as a doctor. He's completely off and very scary to think he has shot at the presidency. Holy shit, that would be bad. And I've never said that before.
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Dear Abby (Mock):
As you know I am old and now sick; just returned from out of town where everything that could go wrong (including breathing), did so. My grandson passed on his bronchial infection to me. Lady at DMV said I was too blind to drive and just today returned from emergency room with tons of drugs (not the good kind), but guaranteed to make you sleepless and jittery......
My question to you is that are a few people in my life who were an important part of my past, but they support Dr. Carson and Mr. Trump for President. Do you think they are "normal?" Also, do you think I need to find new friends at my age?
Even though, I went to another DMV office and got my license, should I try to get that Bitch, who told the entire room that I was too blind to drive, fired, or insist she get training in politeness.
Thank you,
Ms. Blueberry
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(11-08-2015, 02:02 AM)blueberryhill Wrote: My question to you is that are a few people in my life who were an important part of my past, but they support Dr. Carson and Mr. Trump for President. Do you think they are "normal?" Also, do you think I need to find new friends at my age?
Dear Ms Blueberry, sometimes in life we love or like people in spite of their personal views regarding politics and/or a myriad of other things. We wouldn't want people to stop liking or loving us because of our viewpoints so we can't do that to them. I would suggest that whenever you're in their presence that you randomly shout out GO HILLARY and when the sun sets stick a HILLARY 2016 sign in their front yard.
In regards to the DMV person, we can never control what others think, say or do, we can only control our reaction to it. Always be the better person even if it feels like it's killing you. Ignore her because at the end of the day you won.
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^ That first paragraph made me laugh, and it was good advice too -- way better than my advice.
I was gonna suggest that blueberry dump all of her old friends immediately and spend more time with her friends at Mock.
In regards to the DMV bitch, my first thought was to take the high road and refrain from pulling her job out from under her -- send her a lovely combo gift pack from instead.
P.s. I hope the house got sold blueberry and that you're feeling better soon. While you recuperate, don't hold back on the sleepless, heavily-medicated posting.
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(11-07-2015, 08:25 PM)sally Wrote: I know I said he seemed like a nice guy and everything as long as he keeps his day job as a doctor, but lately I'm thinking I wouldn't even want him as a doctor. He's completely off and very scary to think he has shot at the presidency. Holy shit, that would be bad. And I've never said that before.
I think Carson in the White House is a scary thought too, and I don't scare easily either.
It was disappointing to hear yesterday that Graham won't be participating in Tuesday night's debate, not even the lower tier one. Apparently, the Wall Street Journal national poll excluded his name all together so he didn't come in at 1% or higher. He's got so much experience, some good policy plans, and he's great at articulating and debating the issues. He's taking it in stride though -- says he'll keep plugging away and has no problem answering any questions from anyone in the media. Pataki and Gilmore also failed to make the debate cut.
Huckabee and Christie failed to reach 2.5%, so they've been bumped to the lower tier kids' table debate, which will include Jindal and Santorum.
The prime time Republican debate will include Carson, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, Fiorina, and Kasich.
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I forgot about Rand Paul; he'll be on the prime time debate stage Tuesday night too.
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I'm cutting my stupid as brother off at least until Clinton is elected. Dumbass thinks Carly is the Boss, and Obama is whatever the worse things is since white bread. I seriously cannot handle it. Him and his bitch wife.
My son-in-law works for the DMV in Oakland. He hates his job mostly. But it is good day job, and living in Oakland (actually Berkeley) is expensive. He rides his bicycle to and from work to relieve the stress coming and going. And he is a sarcastic sob. I would not want to be in his line.
God Bless America. We really need it about now. We have some crazy ass peoples thinking that the end times are here and that Democrats are of the devil. I truly believe that some (not Trump) want to be a part of the end game. Be standing on the Hill when Jesus descends. I'm sure they will invite Netanyahu to the homecoming.
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Trump gave SNL the best ratings since Barkley in 2012. 50% more than Hillary did. I watched some of it and it wasn't that bad. He sure does have tons of confidence at any rate. There was a scripted Trumps a racist thing that was kinda funny at the beginning from a guy I've seen before but cannot place him.
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Take quiz (link below) to see who you side with for people running for POTUS!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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(11-09-2015, 12:54 PM)Carsman Wrote: Take quiz (link below) to see who you side with for people running for POTUS!
Carson and Trump tied with 94%. At the bottom of the list, no surprise here, Clinton with 58%.
Beer drinking, gun toting, Bike riding,
womanizing, sex fiend, sexist, asshole !
Don't like it? Well than F.U !!!!!!!!!
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(11-09-2015, 01:06 PM)F.U. Wrote: Clinton with 58%.
Madame President.
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I side with Bernie Sanders on 84% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election
It wouldn't let me copy the rest.
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(11-09-2015, 01:35 PM)Duchess Wrote: (11-09-2015, 01:06 PM)F.U. Wrote: Clinton with 58%.
Madame President. 
Oh hell to the NO !
Beer drinking, gun toting, Bike riding,
womanizing, sex fiend, sexist, asshole !
Don't like it? Well than F.U !!!!!!!!!
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Alrighty. I'll wait until the election is actually over.
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Hillary might win. Or Trump may win. When using polls to see who is ahead and who isn't remember the recent Kentucky governors race. The "polls" had him out of the running but he won. As fewer people have land lines the polling base is pretty much left to the ones that still have a land line and the time to sit there and yap it up.
Many polling companys like Gallup are not getting involved with the presidential races. There are many out there that say most Americans believe this or that but they're really talking out their collective asses.
I will go with the most truthful candidate for what its worth.
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I don't pay attention to the polls at all. That may change when we are significantly closer to the election though, I don't really know. I'm not so sure a poll is trustworthy to be honest.
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I think the polls are interesting; I like seeing a gauge as to where candidates stand in terms of public support as the race progresses.
When you've got a large enough sample of voters across polls consistently rating some candidates at the top, some in the middle, and some at the bottom, it's useful in terms of comparing that to the candidates' current campaign strategies and media coverage (especially to the candidates and their backers).
But, polls are just a snapshot in time and do/should change as public opinion shifts -- I wouldn't rely on them to predict who will win, even when the polls are taken just before election.
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Every poll can be bias. Its easily done and only boneheads reply to them. I can't count how many times the phone rings and some dingbat is asking stupid questions about something. Only the lonely answer. The internet polls are even worse. To me they are just another propaganda arm. But that's OK if you like them someone has to.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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I don't disagree with any of that. I like that there's some (definitely imperfect) gauge as to candidate rankings with voters, but it wouldn't affect me deeply if polls were banned or anything.