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Zenith Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:::lmao::
Who do you think you are ?, a fat, female Chris Rock impersonater?
You are beginning to sound more and more like a n****r everyday MOTHERFUCKER!
Anyone with half a brain can tell Eva Braun is a racist bitch. Take a stand or take a piss bitch, which one of us are you focusing your piss poor attack on? You sound as if you are jealous that Sinister has more balls than you. She has already said that she is racist::dunno:: but are you. The difference is YOU are to much of a fagot ass pussy to admit it and Sinister is who she says she is, no frills or lace, no candy coating and no strings attached. What the fuck you see is what the fuck you get.
I've met Sinister face to face. I don't know you from Adam. Understand one thing, EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is racist to one extent or another. If you doubt that, just put it to the test one day and you will see.
BTW, why the fuck do you continue to spell nigger like this N****r??? Spell the motherfucking word if that's what you want to do. I don't identify with it so it doesn't bother me. Making apologies and choosing to spend time with someone you know is a racist and who you know is friends with neo nazis? You realise of course if you were introduced to these people by Eva they would either ignore you or spit in your face? Eva has stated numerous times here that she hates black people and homosexuals. Her little get together with you was just to get that photo made public here so she could say "look see?, I am standing next to a black person and smiling, how can I be a racist?"
You are a disgrace to your race bitch, a black person making excuses to protect a racist bitch? you ought to hang your fucking head in shame. I think I can hear Martin Luther King and Malcolm X spinning in their graves.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Making apologies and choosing to spend time with someone you know is a racist and who you know is friends with neo nazis? You realise of course if you were introduced to these people by Eva they would either ignore you or spit in your face? Eva has stated numerous times here that she hates black people and homosexuals. Her little get together with you was just to get that photo made public here so she could say "look see?, I am standing next to a black person and smiling, how can I be a racist?"
You are a disgrace to your race bitch, a black person making excuses to protect a racist bitch? you ought to hang your fucking head in shame. I think I can hear Martin Luther King and Malcolm X spinning in their graves.
Let's clear some things up here, dipshit. You are leaping to erroneous conclusions yet again.
A) If I were to introduce Z and her husband to my friends, they would say hello and then go on about their business. In fact, I'm thinking of inviting them to the next gathering my ol' man's MC throws; a charity fund-raising event. Don't ever assume to know what a Biker will do in any situation. 99% of the time, you'd be wrong. AGAIN.
B) I do NOT hate black people, I hate niggers. As I've said numerous times, niggers of any color. Yes, I do hate faggots and I don't give a shit if you or anyone else likes that or not and I won't apologize for it. My reasons for that are my own, and they are personal.
C) Z and her husband are not niggers. For you to keep on her like this makes one think thatthe person with the problem isn't me, it isn't Z, but it is you.
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What is a derogatory term for whites ?...I know ethnic slurs but, I don't think I know any white slurs...If someone were to call me a cracker or a honkey I feel certain it would send me into a fit of laughter...There must be something other than white trash, something as fierce as the N word, don't be flaming me either 'cuz I refuse to even type it.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:You are a disgrace to your race bitch, a black person making excuses to protect a racist bitch? you ought to hang your fucking head in shame. I think I can hear Martin Luther King and Malcolm X spinning in their graves. Hmmm,
Holding one person responsible for their ENTIRE RACE??? Now who's the racist::dunno::
I am a person of color, this is true. I love my skin and my heritage, this is also true. I hate motherfuckers who act like a goddamn nigger, nigga, N***er, NI***R, (however the fuck it pleases you to see it), this is also true.
Another truth is the real reason why you continue on this topic ![[Image: beatdeadhorse.gif]]( . It isn't because you are trying so very hard to tell me that Sinister is a racist because she has already made that known plenty of's old news. It definitely isn't because you like black people and are afraid that she will lure me into a dark alley and slit my throat (you would do that yourself if you were quick enough).
The reason this topic interests you so much is because you have been hiding an identity here and the jig is up. Tell us all what happened Poophole...
Your momma fucked a BLACK MAN and gave birth to your half breed ass. No one in your family embraced you as a child and you became a recluse because of it. Now that you are all fucked up ...I mean... all grown up, you try to hide behind the PC facade you have created with regard to minorities, in order to boost your ever so low self-esteem. So now the cat is out of the bag Poophole YOU ARE A BLACK MAN LIVING IN A WHITE MANS WORLD. Not only that but you are a black man who: - Gets women pregnant
- Doesn
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Sinister Wrote:C) Z and her husband are not niggers. For you to keep on her like this makes one think thatthe person with the problem isn't me, it isn't Z, but it is you. He is what he hates so much Sin....
[it's sad I know, but the truth is the truth]
Quote:Your momma fucked a BLACK MAN and gave birth to your half breed ass.
Zen you posted the above but, I am sorry, I must correct you.
OP was not born............ a buzzard shit on a fence post and the sun hatched it out.
You were too generous Zen.::bigg::
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Zenith Wrote:[quote=Ordinary Peephole]You are a disgrace to your race bitch, a black person making excuses to protect a racist bitch? you ought to hang your fucking head in shame. I think I can hear Martin Luther King and Malcolm X spinning in their graves. Hmmm,
Holding one person responsible for their ENTIRE RACE??? Now who's the racist::dunno::
I am a person of color, this is true. I love my skin and my heritage, this is also true. I hate motherfuckers who act like a goddamn nigger, nigga, N***er, NI***R, (however the fuck it pleases you to see it), this is also true.
Another truth is the real reason why you continue on this topic ![[Image: beatdeadhorse.gif]]( . It isn't because you are trying so very hard to tell me that Sinister is a racist because she has already made that known plenty of's old news. It definitely isn't because you like black people and are afraid that she will lure me into a dark alley and slit my throat (you would do that yourself if you were quick enough).
The reason this topic interests you so much is because you have been hiding an identity here and the jig is up. Tell us all what happened Poophole...
Your momma fucked a BLACK MAN and gave birth to your half breed ass. No one in your family embraced you as a child and you became a recluse because of it. Now that you are all fucked up ...I mean... all grown up, you try to hide behind the PC facade you have created with regard to minorities, in order to boost your ever so low self-esteem. So now the cat is out of the bag Poophole YOU ARE A BLACK MAN LIVING IN A WHITE MANS WORLD. Not only that but you are a black man who: - Gets women pregnant
- Doesn
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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None of your gutless banter changes any of the very true facts that your mother fucked a black man and you were born into a world that not only hated your half breed ass but tried many times to purge you from existence.
Read it and weep poor boy. You are blacker than the blackest black man and you hate to admit it.
I bet one of the most significant phrases you heard while growing up was this...
"What do you call a boy who has an Irish mother and a Black father....a NIGGER!!"
Then a rage of laughter would fill the air at your expense...even to this day, am I right?
...yeah, that's what I figured ::aww:: Be black as you want to be Poophole...but be proud of it....
hahahahahaha ::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::
ya lil' crispy critter
[by the way, I hope this truth doesn't hurt my chances of getting into Hour Haven...eeeeek!]
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:When Eva introduces you to her Nazi friends don't forget to bow your said and say only "no sar" and "yes sar".
What in the blue fuck does this portion of babbling and mindlessness even mean? Poophole forgot his meds again today. ::doh::
How does a person "bow" their "said"??? Am I the only one who isn't getting this? ::blink::
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Sinister Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:When Eva introduces you to her Nazi friends don't forget to bow your said and say only "no sar" and "yes sar".
What in the blue fuck does this portion of babbling and mindlessness even mean? Poophole forgot his meds again today. ::doh::
How does a person "bow" their "said"??? Am I the only one who isn't getting this? ::blink:: Nope, I got it. He's just a little bit special now that we know his REAL BACKGROUND...[such a pity the poor lil'bitch]