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I want Sinister back
I don't deserve to be called pond scum or for people to be told to be afraid of me 'cuz I'm not "wrapped too tight"...HadI done something to warrant that description I'd be keeping my mouth shut right now.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Same here Duchess.

But Frank started this with his warped description of her with a little fake "she's evil" remark to smooth it over for us.

Don't worry Frank, one day she'll turn on you too - remember, you fit into the pond scum and not wrapped too tight category as well.
Duchess Wrote:I don't deserve to be called pond scum or for people to be told to be afraid of me 'cuz I'm not "wrapped too tight"...HadI done something to warrant that description I'd be keeping my mouth shut right now.

I don't even own a gun, nor would I know how to use one. She, on the other hand, bragged about racking a shotgun everytime someone knocked on her door.

Sounds more like she was describing herself.

I can't think of one person she hasn't fucked over... you just keep telling yourself you're friends with her, OP. I think everyone else is aware how sad your belief is.
I'm not friends with her anymore, I used to be, but more and more I am realising she is one of the worst users of people I have ever come across, she is the kind of person who if you worked with them for 10 years and you saw them in the street a fewsyears later they would completely blank you and pretend they didn't know you.

Now that she doesn't want or need understanding or sympathy she just turned her back on everyone, I can't say I am that surprised she seems to treat everyone she comes across the same way.

Anyway I am done talking about her, she is gone,good fucking riddance. All this will just fuel her "I'm being stalked" fantasy.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?
The Antagonist Wrote:She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?
Delusional and over the top is claiming your husband is going to get his old job back at six figures when the company is one of the big three automakers that's in financial ruin. THAT'S delusional. That thing about how buff he is was pretty wacky too.
The Antagonist Wrote:She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?

She was seriously suggesting we would somehow want to go to Maries house?, why?, to do what?,The wife of a convicted killer is calling us dangerous?! I think she is more than a little delusional I think sheshould have a long, serious,frank chat with my psychologist.

How are we dangerous?

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?
Delusional and over the top is claiming your husband is going to get his old job back at six figures when the company is one of the big three automakers that's in financial ruin. THAT'S delusional. That thing about how buff he is was pretty wacky too.

Uh-huh, six figure job in an industry that is almost completely dead?

I'm going to get a job with a six figure salary, CEO of the Walter Mitty fellowship.

Buff?, uh-huh, so having no muscle definition whatsoever and a pot belly is now considered "buff" is it?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Well she did say that Bullet is doing 800 situps per day and hes up to a thousand pushups. From looking at their picture, it looks like the only thing they are pushing up is tea and cake.
sally Wrote:Well she did say that Bullet is doing 800 situps per day and hes up to a thousand pushups. From looking at their picture, it looks like the only thing they are pushing up is tea and cake.
Yeah, I'm waiting for the eventual day when that tractor seat she's sitting on mysteriously disappears beyween the folds of her ass-cheeks.
Fug duh kund
The Antagonist Wrote:She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?
Ehhhh... WTF??? ::nuts::
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:She never said she's being stalked. She accused us all of being potentially harmful stalkers because Marie neglectifully put her map to her house up on 24 and it was removed for obvious reasons.

She commented it was wise because we'll go there due to being dangerous and Marie should buy a gun.

That is a little delusional and over the top don't you think?

She was seriously suggesting we would somehow want to go to Maries house?, why?, to do what?,The wife of a convicted killer is calling us dangerous?! I think she is more than a little delusional I think sheshould have a long, serious,frank chat with my psychologist.

How are we dangerous?

FFS...I'll post my real name, address, phone number, satellite pics of my house and GPS coordinates. If any nutjob seriously wants to come see me IRL then they damn well can and I dare say even without me posting all that PI they could still find me with just some minor detective work.

The big problem they would have is in discovering that I really AM as I represent myself on the net and would have no qualms about sending a bit of lead their way at 2800 or so feet per second.

It is pretty contradictory for a person who (if true) is married to a convicted killer to be calling other folks dangerous. It's downright paranoid delusion material.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
Yeah, she posts little things like that all over on 24 about Mock members. It's her way of slapping or mocking us within the safety barrier of 24.
LKTraz Wrote:It is pretty contradictory for a person who (if true) is married to a convicted killer to be calling other folks dangerous. It's downright paranoid delusion material.


She is a hypocritical bitch, and the stuff about her husband being a killer is 100% accurate by the way, she sounds like she is almost proud to be basking in his reflective notoriety.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.