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RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cracker - 03-30-2011

(03-30-2011, 06:55 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 06:51 PM)Cracker Wrote: Yeah, especially the conspiracy nutjobs.

We all watched Zeitgeist. The rest of us went on with life while the crazy fucks stayed on the tangent. Good luck with that.

Conformity is the death of freedom, Cracker. Or so they say.

“Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic” Dude that wrote The Brothers Karamazov

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - IMaDick - 03-30-2011

(03-30-2011, 06:55 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 06:51 PM)Cracker Wrote: Yeah, especially the conspiracy nutjobs.

We all watched Zeitgeist. The rest of us went on with life while the crazy fucks stayed on the tangent. Good luck with that.

Conformity is the death of freedom, Cracker. Or so they say.

unless of course you are conforming to freedom, and doing what it takes to protect,preserve and prolong it in it's processes,programs and practices.

everything has a demanded conformity to it, including your loathing of this country, and your ever present partisanship.


RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Midwest Spy - 03-30-2011

(03-30-2011, 06:37 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 10:17 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: To Shitstorm: Can you even imagine the magnitude of people involved for what you're implying? Hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans would have to be on the inside for something like this to go down.

You haven't got a clue what you're talking about. Organizations, whether governmental, corporate, or religious, are compartmentalized, meaning that only the people in the top echelon know what each little task is truly intended to bring about.

So, ten years later, and not ONE of these people on the inside has 'fessed up? Smoke some more of that shit you're smoking. It's gotta be good!

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - username - 03-30-2011

(03-30-2011, 06:49 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 06:46 PM)shitstorm Wrote: + 1

Right up there with Popular Science and the 911 Commission.

Truth be told, *NO* source should be treated as infallible.

No shit. I was just going to ask for the 100% accurate, reliable and un-biased proof/source.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Fibonacci Prima - 03-30-2011

(03-30-2011, 06:22 PM)shitstorm Wrote: But you go ahead and shit on the memories of the people who died at the hands of terrorists. Babies. Children. Whole families wiped out. For nothing more than insane, unfounded hate.

Okay, Glenn Beck

You forgot to add that the terrorists hate us for freedoms


Never watched his show. Can't comment. But nice blanket overgeneralization. Keep it up. You might start walking upright soon.

(03-30-2011, 06:29 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 09:29 AM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Lost a good friend that day. She was on the plane that hit the Pentagon.

Conspiracy theory bullshit. Good for fertilizing an empty mind. That's about it. I
prefer facts.

Are you implying that the "official" version of events is based on facts?

If so, did you personally verify each and every one, or are you simply taking what are presented as "facts" at face value?

I know what I saw. That's fact enough for me to eliminate the theory that no plane hit in DC. As far as verification, ask yourself that same question. Then get back to me about fact.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - rothschild - 03-31-2011

(03-30-2011, 07:30 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 06:37 PM)rothschild Wrote: You haven't got a clue what you're talking about. Organizations, whether governmental, corporate, or religious, are compartmentalized, meaning that only the people in the top echelon know what each little task is truly intended to bring about.

So, ten years later, and not ONE of these people on the inside has 'fessed up? Smoke some more of that shit you're smoking. It's gotta be good!

The only people who would know exactly what went down are the masterminds. And unless you had singed confessions or tape recordings, no mainstream media outlet would give you the time of day.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - rothschild - 03-31-2011

(03-30-2011, 07:02 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(03-30-2011, 06:55 PM)rothschild Wrote: Conformity is the death of freedom, Cracker. Or so they say.

“Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic” Dude that wrote The Brothers Karamazov

Man's senses are notoriously unreliable, thus all that is observed is not empirical.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cynical Ninja - 03-31-2011

There are several hundred eye witness accounts of people that saw American Airlines flight 77 approach Washington at over 500 miles per hour and crash into the Pentagon.

Are all of these witnesses in on the conspiracy?

Rothschild, shitstorm et al, you are idiots, your conspiracy bullshit is a disgrace and an insult to the memory of the 189 people who died in that incident on that day. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cynical Ninja - 03-31-2011

Here is a link to a site that shows over 30 photos of plane debris at the Pentagon, it also shows radar telemetry that pinpoints the course of the plane hitting the Pentagon, telephone conversations with passengers on the plane and more.

I would love to hear the explanation for the plane debris, all planted by agents of the NWO?

And the hundreds of witnesses who saw the plane come down and crash into the Pentagon, all part of the conspiracy?

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - shitstorm - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 07:54 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: There are several hundred eye witness accounts of people that saw American Airlines flight 77 approach Washington at over 500 miles per hour and crash into the Pentagon.

Are all of these witnesses in on the conspiracy?

Rothschild, shitstorm et al, you are idiots, your conspiracy bullshit is a disgrace and an insult to the memory of the 189 people who died in that incident on that day. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

The video in this thread has interviews with witnesses who were right next to the Pentagon, including police. You can't be bothered to watch it, though, because the truth is you don't want anything to upset your neat little spoon fed beliefs. GOD forbid something might be in there that would trigger questions.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cynical Ninja - 03-31-2011

Do you really believe that the Americans plotted the murder of thousands of their own people by flying jets into buildings when they could have poisoned a water supply or planted "terrorist" bombs and planted "evidence" to show that they had been planted by islamic terrorist cells far more easily.
Since then they have managed to keep all the hundreds or even thousands of people who would have to be in on it quiet and fool everyone since apart from a few hundred internet nerds ?
Despite the debunking of every crackpot theory put forward there are still idiots who think the US government did it.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Midwest Spy - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 01:51 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Despite the debunking of every crackpot theory put forward there are still idiots who think the US government did it.

Who are these 'sleuths' that are convinced that 911 was a product of the U.S. Government? I mean, where are they in everyday life? Do they have jobs, homes, pay taxes, have children, etc.? Or, are they just super-nerds holed up in their caves, glued to their computers?

I have to believe they're asocial, maybe work part-time somewhere, and stay up into the middle of the night communicating with each other on secret 'bat phones'. Cool.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cynical Ninja - 03-31-2011

I don't know midwest.

But look how some of these theorists ignore the countless testimonies of witnesses and experts then post links to someone like Alex Jones.

A blowhard twat, with a big mouth and a radio show, qualifed to comment on nothing but the last taco he ate.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - shitstorm - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 02:08 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote:
(03-31-2011, 01:51 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Despite the debunking of every crackpot theory put forward there are still idiots who think the US government did it.

Who are these 'sleuths' that are convinced that 911 was a product of the U.S. Government? I mean, where are they in everyday life? Do they have jobs, homes, pay taxes, have children, etc.? Or, are they just super-nerds holed up in their caves, glued to their computers?

I have to believe they're asocial, maybe work part-time somewhere, and stay up into the middle of the night communicating with each other on secret 'bat phones'. Cool.

Nobody said "US government", which is an absurdly broad term.

Yeah, they're all a bunch of deadbeats.

[Image: aebutton2.jpg]

[Image: firefighters-for-911-truth-logo.jpg]

[Image: PilotsFor911Truth-1.jpg]

[Image: Scholars-For-911-Truth-&-Justice.jpg]

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Duchess - 03-31-2011

I never realized how many people actually believe there is/was some deception going on in regards to this until I started looking around online & asking the question of a few people I know. I was astounded.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Cynical Ninja - 03-31-2011

Everyone likes to think they are privy to information that the mainstream doesn't know about, that doesn't make that information necessarily correct though.

Conspiracy theorists annoy me because they are just as myopic and selective about their information and sources as they people they accuse of swallowing the "official story".

When someone shows them information from CNN they shake their heads in mocking disbelief and then refer you to a website run by a burger flipper and his pals in Missouri.

It's insane.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - shitstorm - 03-31-2011

@ Duchess - when it comes to the people I linked, above, people with serious credentials who are experts in their fields and have no ax to grind, I'm always astounded that the Kool Aid drinkers don't have even enough curiosity or penchant for truth to inquire as to WHY those people have gone to all this trouble, time and expense, and put their reputations on the line, if there 's no there there.

I don't think one person, other than Freshbait, has bothered to watch the one video that I posted that's the result of a three year long investigation. If someone wants to be honest and admit that they're just too lazy to invest the time and attention required to actually dig into the subject, I can accept that. I've spent hundreds of hours watching vids and reading the evidence and it's very time consuming. Not everyone is going to want to do that. But, people who just blindly accepted the official story because they are lazy, or because the truth is too uncomfortable, who sneer and ridicule out of complete ignorance are no different than fucking bible thumpers parroting what they've been told to believe. There is nothing to respect in people like that - people who can't just say "I don't know the truth", but keep regurgitating what Dick Cheney says is true. Fuck that. It's impossible to get into a subject like this with dogmatic, closed minded, flag waving true believers.

You're either with us or you're with the terrorists

~ Dubya

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - shitstorm - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 03:17 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: Everyone likes to think they are privy to information that the mainstream doesn't know about, that doesn't make that information necessarily correct though.

Conspiracy theorists annoy me because they are just as myopic and selective about their information and sources as they people they accuse of swallowing the "official story".

When someone shows them information from CNN they shake their heads in mocking disbelief and then refer you to a website run by a burger flipper and his pals in Missouri.

It's insane.

Fuck you. There are first responders - FIREFIGHTERS who were THERE, you asshole - who say the bullshit that morons like you keep spewing isn't true.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - Midwest Spy - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 03:40 PM)shitstorm Wrote: Fuck you. There are first responders - FIREFIGHTERS who were THERE, you asshole - who say the bullshit that morons like you keep spewing isn't true.

Shitstorm, you're angry when someone calls 'bullshit' on these theories. I actually spent time looking into all of the theories. I did it a few years back. All 911 theories have been debunked.

I have not partaken of the koolaid. If there were people, U.S. citizens, that had orchestrated 9/11, and there was PROOF, I'd be glad to help string them up.

To me, a plausible conspiracy is that JFK was assassinated by more than one shooter. Then, witnesses to that murder, began dying off. Definitely something fishy there. Unlike 2001, the 1960's were not dominated by electronic media. Something like that could've been kept covered.

The problem, IMO, with a 911 conspiracy, other than the fact that there WASN'T a conspiracy, is that there'd be no FUCKING way to keep it quiet with the number of people who would have to be involved.

Think about that for a moment and let it really soak in.

RE: 9-11 was a false flag attack - IMaDick - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 03:37 PM)shitstorm Wrote: @ Duchess - when it comes to the people I linked, above, people with serious credentials who are experts in their fields and have no ax to grind, I'm always astounded that the Kool Aid drinkers don't have even enough curiosity or penchant for truth to inquire as to WHY those people have gone to all this trouble, time and expense, and put their reputations on the line, if there 's no there there.

I don't think one person, other than Freshbait, has bothered to watch the one video that I posted that's the result of a three year long investigation. If someone wants to be honest and admit that they're just too lazy to invest the time and attention required to actually dig into the subject, I can accept that. I've spent hundreds of hours watching vids and reading the evidence and it's very time consuming. Not everyone is going to want to do that. But, people who just blindly accepted the official story because they are lazy, or because the truth is too uncomfortable, who sneer and ridicule out of complete ignorance are no different than fucking bible thumpers parroting what they've been told to believe. There is nothing to respect in people like that - people who can't just say "I don't know the truth", but keep regurgitating what Dick Cheney says is true. Fuck that. It's impossible to get into a subject like this with dogmatic, closed minded, flag waving true believers.

You're either with us or you're with the terrorists

~ Dubya

I have watched dozens of video's listened to dozens of theorists and one thing remains constant thru all of it, they end up not being able to prove any of it beyond any doubt.

no matter how you view the hundreds of theories that have been put out by all different kinds of people, unless you finish the story in your head with your own imagination they fall short.