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Management lives here. If you plan on bothering any of us with your tech problems, questions, or other bullshit, please at least first ask yourself if you've made it worth our while to care.
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Do an intro. Be forewarned, the grammar nazis are surely watching and intellect, wit & humor are valued.
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Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Lady Cop's Cell Block - Crime Forum
Discuss crimes and trials, past and present. anything related to the justice system is right on point~~don't remain silent!
Sub Forums:
The Dungeon,
688 68,507 Susan smith
11-30-2024, 05:46 PM
by Duchess
6 hours ago
by Clang McFly
Assholes In The News
Let's mock the assholes, morons, scum, and corrupt motherfuckers in recent news stories and reports.
08-24-2024, 11:04 AM
by aussiefriend
Discussions, Opinions & Debate
This is like the general chat forum you see on every goddamn boring forum site on Earth, except no one gives a crap about your breakfast, pet, what movie you saw or some moronic word game thread you want to start. Want to mock someone or something? Want to rant, rave, complain, or bitch? Have an opinion about world events or life as we know it? You take your chances being mocked, but go ahead and post them here. No holds barred debating too.
2,799 90,652 E.V's suck!!!
Yesterday, 10:11 PM
by MirahM

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Daily Greeting BS
Just a gay bullshit forum to encourage you to talk to each other in case people are scared like school girls, or still mad or moody about stuff that was said. Feel like saying hello to someone, or checking in for the day, giving us an update on your boring ass life? Here ya go.
1,525 57,463 +your daily weather repor...
6 hours ago
by BigMark
Some Honest Therapy
Feel as though another Member needs to hear something about themselves? Please help them become aware of their shortcomings. This forum is made for your gentle caring words and sincere effort to help. They need you. They need all of us. Hopefully they will admit their problems since acknowledging a problem is the first step to giving us something to mock.
1,203 44,405 I HOPE I'M NOT ALONE IN T...
11-30-2024, 09:20 AM
by sally

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Funny Shit
Found or know about some funny mocking, ranking out, name-calling, cursing up, ripping apart, or high-quality fighting on the net? Post it here and share that shit. Nothing is worse than corny, old, unfunny shit so make sure it's funny. If you are the type of person who forwards a lot of email jokes and junk to people on your email list, you are probably a bad judge of what is funny, and a bad judge in general. So, be careful.
785 12,527 Post funny, bizarre and c...
11-22-2024, 11:22 AM
by Duchess
welcome to the travel forum...where you can share your travel experiences and information about your area. tell us where you've been and where you're going...ask questions of others or save them from looking like tourists with fanny packs! tell them what to avoid and what not to miss~ thanks!
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Anything technical related
53 832 Why Google search is now ...
09-10-2023, 10:51 AM
by Clang McFly
All things sports.
75 10,627 NFL 2024
12-01-2024, 09:02 PM
by Duchess
Good Shit
If you know of some good shit on the net post it here already. Anything interesting, special, worth reading, cool, super cool, etc. goes here. Don't be posting some lame, mediocre, boring ass crap.
935 18,704 Music
11-25-2024, 01:09 AM
by rothschild
Welcome to Mock's new 'soup chicken' forum! for those who love to cook and those who love to eat~~ share your recipes or find one you like. anything that goes in the kitchen goes here :) Bon Appetit!
393 17,230 Thanksgiving preparation ...
11-20-2024, 04:09 AM
by MirahM

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
We Don't Give A Fuck About This Forum
Use this for testing bullshit or whatever else, we don't care. We're using it as a garbage can, basically.
1,715 49,382 Morning Meditation
12-02-2024, 09:20 PM
by sally

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