The Day After Yesterday - Reality Sets In - Printable Version

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- Liquid - 11-05-2008

While last night was fun

- Zenith - 11-05-2008

I have always said that I see Obama as a POLITICIAN and I am not part of the "soma coma" that most people who voted for him are walking around in. He will do nothing more or less than any of the other "great leaders" have done and one thing seems perfectly evident with each passing hour since he was elected...

He will still have to endure what every other person of color in this country has had to (and continues to) suffer.

and that is....
Proving yourself worthy in the eyes of non-minority people. This is the BLACK CURSE and it will continue as long as people allow (unfortunately).

SIDE BAR: America will never see him as THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES but as AMERICA'S FIRST ELECTED BLACK PRESIDENT. Which, in the year 2008, still illustrates how much road we as a race of humans have to travel before true enlightenment will begin to occur.

- Liquid - 11-05-2008

I agree with what you have said Z. I also think he is inheriting such a deep hole of a mess that ANYone who would have won this current election would have a hard time climbing out of.

- Zenith - 11-05-2008

You got that right Liquid!

The one thing I must say that I haven't heard anyone mention so far is the way McCain gave his congratz speech. His speech embodied what America should focus on and it really made him look like the intelligent official that he really is. Even though his crowd gave a hearty BOOOOOOOO! when McCain mentioned Obama during his speech.

I, of course, would not have wanted to be around if Obama hadn't won the election. I think things would have gotten pretty sour thoughout America.

- Liquid - 11-05-2008

McCain's speech was as perfect as any loser of a big contest could sound. Well written and "soft". And he really had to be careful with his words or he would not only sound like a sore loser, but also a racist, which of course I do not think he is, but still with the uniqueness of this election, still an important issue.
Palin was just one of the reasons McCain did not win this election, but it was a big reason IMO.

- Zenith - 11-05-2008

Liquid Wrote:McCain's speech was as perfect as any loser of a big contest could sound. Well written and "soft". And he really had to be careful with his words or he would not only sound like a sore loser, but also a racist, which of course I do not think he is, but still with the uniqueness of this election, still an important issue.
Palin was just one of the reasons McCain did not win this election, but it was a big reason IMO.

- Howard_hopkinso - 11-06-2008

Zenith Wrote:I have always said that I see Obama as a POLITICIAN and I am not part of the "soma coma" that most people who voted for him are walking around in. He will do nothing more or less than any of the other "great leaders" have done and one thing seems perfectly evident with each passing hour since he was elected...

He will still have to endure what every other person of color in this country has had to (and continues to) suffer.

and that is....
Proving yourself worthy in the eyes of non-minority people. This is the BLACK CURSE and it will continue as long as people allow (unfortunately).

SIDE BAR: America will never see him as THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES but as AMERICA'S FIRST ELECTED BLACK PRESIDENT. Which, in the year 2008, still illustrates how much road we as a race of humans have to travel before true enlightenment will begin to occur.
I agree with your post.

However, as regards Obama being seen as the first black American president, well of course that's how he's going to be seen, as that's what he is. No matter what the reason, he is going to be somewhat of a novelty, the first of anything usually is.

I know the road will be a long one, of that there is no doubt, but the fact there is now a black president, proves how far the people of the US have come. Only a few short years ago, a black president would have been unthinkable, now it's a reality however long over due it may have been.

He was able to reach out to the young, the old, the white and the black voters. This is something no one has seen before.

I was speaking to an asian man this morning and he said more or less what I said yesterday. He said he was genuinely hopeful that this president will unite people of different races across the world.

If that does indeed come to pass, then he will be hailed as the greatest leader the world has ever seen.

- LuMPyPussy - 11-06-2008

I actually considered McCain until he plugged that loony toon from Alaska in as the party's token woman. She's for everything I feel strongly against... and if that bitch tries running for prez in 2012, I might actually go door to door for the opposing party, whomever that might be.

- Duchess - 11-06-2008

That's how I feel too...Whenever I give her any thought at all the first thing that comes to mind is the interview with Katie, & Palin being asked about her foreign policy experience and her replying, "I can see Russia from my house"....Hahaha, it never fails to make me laugh...I recently heard someone say, "This woman has five kids, one is a pregnant teengager & one is a baby with Downs, I wouldn't ask her to bring a recipe to a PTA meeting...I suppose, implying she had her hands full with more important things.

- LuMPyPussy - 11-06-2008

Even more embarrassing, she was giving a speech in Pennsylvania and started ranting against 'pork' in fruit fly research... stupid bitch didn't know that one aspect of fruit fly research is to understand autism, one of her 'pet' causes.

- Duchess - 11-06-2008

We haven't seen the last of her...Ya know it's bad when her own party gives the ol' eye roll when her name is brought up.

- Maggot - 11-06-2008

Let there be flower's and multi-colored sprinkles for all. Hey! maybe pot will get legalized and this will all become a a great fantastic voyage on the flower bus.Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

[Image: 123hippies.jpg]

- Liquid - 11-06-2008

I'm all for legalizing and taxing pot (and prostitution). Then it will be regulated, the pot (and pussy) will be cleaner and higher quality weed (and whores).
But seriously - then we can tax both industries and use that money for other positive purposes like eduction and marijuana (and whores)

- Maggot - 11-06-2008

I'm jiggy wid dat!:cool:

- Lady Cop - 11-06-2008

Maggot Wrote:I'm jiggy wid dat!:cool:
you'll have to come down here to toke Maggot...Mass. voters decriminalized weed, now it will be a $100. fine and no record. (ounce or less).

- Maggot - 11-06-2008

I see the Love is spreading already....Smiley_emoticons_biggrin.....I am on the bus, and movin on up.::banana::

- Middle Finger - 11-06-2008

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Even more embarrassing, she was giving a speech in Pennsylvania and started ranting against 'pork' in fruit fly research... stupid bitch didn't know that one aspect of fruit fly research is to understand autism, one of her 'pet' causes.

- Zenith - 11-06-2008

Maggot Wrote:I see the Love is spreading already....Smiley_emoticons_biggrin.....I am on the bus, and movin on up.::banana::
[Image: wink.gif]