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Hey Republicans! Newt for President?
(03-07-2011, 12:52 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Have you managed to find any evidence that there are no WMD's or no middle easterners with chemical or biological weapons in the US?

Funny that you would assume that finding no evidence of a crime that hasn't been committed yet is evidence that a crime will not be committed.

Jesus you're a dumb fuck OP.

If a person could find evidence of a crime that was going to be committed but hasn't been committed yet it it could be prevented from happening , to bad you didn't use your talent and theory on how to not be attacked to stop the subway bombings in britain OP that would have saved lives and may be even made your stupid bullshit some what relevant.

interestingly enough, your country seems to have a poor track record at stopping that kind of shit from happening.

For fucks sake how many times do I have to explain that the burden of proof doesn't rest with me providing negative evidence but on you and all the other sheep who continue to buy the lies the GOP used to justify the invasion of Iraq?

Do you want me to explain it again rainman?, fucks sake, if you had a braincell it would die of loneliness.

"I can fly!"
"Prove it, go on then, fly!"
"No, prove I can't fly! hah!"

This is the basis of your bullshit strawman argument you goofy tossbag.

As for the UK's track record of preventing terrorist attacks I would say our government is equally as incompotent as the US government at ignoring intelligence relating to potential terrorist attacks.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey Republicans! Newt for President? - by Cynical Ninja - 03-07-2011, 01:02 PM