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Hey Republicans! Newt for President?
(03-07-2011, 06:30 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: It's exactly your mentality that allows Extremist Muslims to go on about their business without anyone saying anything. I'm talking about the extremist element of Islam. I'm not a huge fan of Muslims living in my community, but I realize that there's a very, very small percentage that subscribe to the 'kill all infidels' credo. When liberals play the 'don't torture them' card, or say that we're just as evil as 'they' are because we torture, because we confine without substantiated charges, etc., it makes me want to puke. Islamic Extremists want to KILL you if you do NOT subscribe to their beliefs. I'm guessing that the ones that make it to Gitmo are there for a pretty good reason. If we happen to be wrong and that poor individual spends a couple of years there before being released, so be it. This is the way to combat this element. So... my liberal acquaintence, go back to your name calling, and believing that you're so great, and continue to slam the way your country attempts to protect you, all the while enjoying the freedoms it provides.

Do you breath inbetween sentences when you talk? Are you familiar with the concept of the paragraph?


Torture is always wrong, ALWAYS, I don't care if its Muslim terrorists or white supremacists, anyone that thinks state sponsored torture is ever acceptable is a cunt, plain and simple.

I don't slam my countries attempts to protect me because we don't lock people up for years without any charges and we don't mentally, emotionally and physically torture them either. We leave that to countries like America and Iran.

The way you want your country to treat Muslims is almost like an inverted version of Sharia law, so your solution to Muslim extremists is for your government to act like.......Muslim extremists.

And I thought we were better than that because we are supposed to be the good guys.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey Republicans! Newt for President? - by Cynical Ninja - 03-08-2011, 12:02 PM