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Did the ancients know more than we do?
I'm still working on this but have been distracted a lot recently by life and arguing with Egyptologists. I often wonder how my progress with this could be so slow. This could have all been solved and presented with a ribbon in six months if a real researcher were working on it. I'm finding more evidence and support for the great pyramids being all step pyramids. i.e.- they are stacked like layer cakes and then smoothed over as they are completed. I believe these steps essentially prove a means was used that was capable of lifting stones only a given amount so they had to be relayed up the side. This is highly inconsistent with ramps.

Somehow it seems almost impossible to get through to people. They've simply been spoon fed the idea that ramps were the only possible means for so long they can't even entertain the possibility of something else or see all the evidence for it. Each tactic I've tried has met dismal failure. I want to move on from here but there's nowhere to go until this is established it would seem.

Ironically if I'm right about the ancients then words were immensely powerful to them and the written word was even moreso. Words had the power to open vistas of discovery and to understand nature. Whereas today words have no power at all. People are wed to beliefs which are not open to discussion. We rarely succeed at communication and almost never notice the fact. We misunderstand our past and our present and rush headlong into a future without understanding our own nature.

One of these days I'm really going to get interested in the later Egyptians and try to trace how ideas evolved in Egypt. But for now I find the great pyramid builders truly inspiring and fascinating people in the extreme. I think I'd have to make a lot fewer changes than most people to understand them and their language. I've always had a sort of "primitive" outlook that meshes well with who I believe these people really were.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Did the ancients know more than we do? - by cladking - 08-24-2011, 12:19 AM