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The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage
February 23, 2012

Bob Bashara's lawyer: We're investigating a new suspect

Privately hired defense investigators have swung their focus away from Joseph Gentz and on to a new suspect in last month's strangulation murder of Jane Bashara, her husband's lawyer David Griem said Wednesday.

Griem, whose client Bob Bashara remains the sole person of interest in the case, said he hoped to have enough evidence gathered by next week to turn over to officials.

The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office and Gentz's lawyer reacted coolly to Griem's announcement.

"The investigation is continuing and we have no comment," said prosecutor's spokeswoman Maria Miller.

"I'll wait to see what he has," said Susan Reed, who was appointed to represent Gentz. "This could make my job easier."

Jane Bashara's killing "may share certain similarities" with the 1996 murder of Oakland County eye doctor Deborah Iverson, who was found strangled in the backseat of her Toyota Land Cruiser left abandoned on a remote Macomb County road, Griem said.

Iverson's husband was a prime suspect for months -- even after passing two polygraph examinations -- but a young couple confessed to snatching the doctor from a Birmingham parking lot because she looked wealthy and they needed money.

"We've changed direction because of certain actions taken by the police and prosecutor's office" in releasing Gentz, who reportedly has made numerous statements to police, a prosecutor and private citizens linking himself to Jane Bashara's killing, Griem said.

Jane Bashara was found strangled in the backseat of her Mercedes-Benz SUV, which had been ditched in an east-side Detroit alley the morning after her husband reported her missing.

In a series of statements he made after walking into the police station, Gentz said he killed Jane Bashara at her husband's behest. In one version, he said he was promised cash and a used Cadillac; in another, he said he was forced to do it at gunpoint.

Gentz was released after spending 72 hours with police. Questions have arisen about whether Gentz's Miranda rights to remain silent and to have a lawyer present were honored while he was in custody.

"If they believed Gentz took part, there's absolutely no way they'd let him out on the street," he said. "I really believe if he were a target they never would have released him."

Griem said his investigators, including a retired FBI agent, have been "beating the bushes and we've come up with at least one person of interest -- a brand-new person."

He would not identify or characterize the person his team is looking at, but did say "we believe this person was not acting alone."

He said his team is waiting until it gathers "concrete evidence" before releasing details for fear the person might flee.


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RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:24 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:37 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage - by Lady Cop - 02-23-2012, 11:12 AM