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Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing
Today marks 5 months that little Aliayah has been missing..... oh baby girl I wish you lived a better life, I wish you would be found 109

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This is an update from a local who has been doing all they can from the beginning to try and help find Aliayah.....

Bob Hein
This is to set the record straight.

Earlier this week I found some information while listening to the 911 call. I gave that information to Joe Nick and Hunter Glass from PPP, who sent it along to an analyst friend of theirs in North Carolina. Their analyst worked on the material and faxed it back to the State Police barracks yesterday in Weston. I had just gotten to the command center to talk to Joe, and he told me that he was on his way to the State Police to pick up a fax, and my tip was included in the material, so I rode with them to see the results.

Joe, Hunter and I went out to the barracks, where Joe signed for the fax and made copies. He was called by the person who was escorting Ralph, and he set up a meeting with them. Joe talked with Ralph about the voice analysis and the truth was told then and there.

In no way did Joe Nick, Hunter Glass nor anyone else set up Ralph, falsify evidence or attempt to frame him in any way. They confronted him with the evidence, evidence now in the hands of the State Police and the FBI. At this short meeting they discussed every single time that Ralph had failed his polygraph tests. None of the polygraph tests were administered, analyzed or verified by anyone involved in PPP, including Joe and Hunter.

We now know through the "rumor mill" that both Lena and Ralph have failed every polygraph test given them. They have also been caught in various statements and uttering lying about what happened to Aliayah and where she can be found.

These so-called parents have done everything in their power, including lying, lawyering-up and stone-walling, waiting for the heat to die down. Well it isn't going to die down any time soon. Joe, Hunter, PPP, Aliayah's Army volunteers and others from across the country have all pledged their undying love and support to bring this child home and bring those who are guilty of her disappearance to justice.

Lena, Ralph...If you're not going to come forward and face justice, you might as well crawl into the same hole that you hid Aliayah in.

I still don't know that either one of them will break, the only ways I see it going down is either they both keep stchum forever or one of the rats the other out to try and save themselves. They are both worthless scum!! I am surprised that Ralph actually agreed to the meeting and actually admitted some truths finally, I hope this is the beginning of the unraveling of the story and that Joe Nick and the PPP Recovery team will find Aliayah!
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by detroithockeygirl - 10-04-2011, 09:01 PM
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by SickOfTheChit - 11-09-2011, 09:49 PM
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by Jezreel - 02-24-2012, 11:03 AM