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The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage
this link is to a brief news video of the S&M mistress of big bobb. wow, she is one fat slob sweathog! hah

i have a theory about this case. bear in mind it is merely my opinion. although it may seem obvious. my point is that bob is EVIL. he was willing to use a retard to kill his children's mother. i also think bob's mommy is going to try to "save" him. she holds his hand like he's 3 years old. he's a flight risk, i hope he has no passport right now.

i think big bob wanted to lose the wife, he was buying a house for the fat mistress so they could have their very own home sweet dungeon. 98 he observed that gentz was as stupid as a turnip, easily manipulated, and had/has all kinds of psychiatric problems and history. the perfect patsy to do the dirty job and take the fall all alone. only nobody is buying that gentz did this for no damn reason. and the proverbial feces is about to hit old big boob's fan. heh heh

and he is still ready to use gentz' low IQ and mental difficulties against him. he's a real POS.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:24 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:37 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage - by Lady Cop - 03-07-2012, 08:32 PM