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Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty
Jezreel, yes, great reporting! Thank you.

One thing that struck me from your long account was how TLM had another opportunity to stop this chain of events when she was in Home Depot. She could have called LE from inside the store and told them that a little girl was being held inside a car in the parking lot. And watching TLM in Home Depot from the link you provided today - she just seems so nonchalant about it all.

I agree that she was a willing participant.

And, the "not in the bum, please" comment is just heartbreaking. Saying "please" in a situation like that....that poor little girl. MR's asking if that had happened to her before makes me wonder about James though. Wasn't his polygraph questionable? If so, maybe that's because he had things to hide other than regarding Tori's disappearance.

TLM and MR are just two evil people.

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RE: Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty - by Kip - 03-15-2012, 01:03 PM