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Katherine Phillips--Amber Alert, 4 month infant, Michigan

#babykate Smedley argues against probation officer's recommendation of no contact of Sean with older daughter, age 4. [via Twitter]

Smedley: "Worst case scenario is the baby is well and doing fine in Germany." Jury didn't find him guilty of murder, manslaughter. [via Twitter]

Judge Cooper: guidelines don't take into account "open ended" disappearance like this -- 341 days so far, still missing.

Cooper: possibility of other crimes is mentioned in the statute. Circumstantial evidence here: baby clothes on Sean...

#babykate "The circumstantial evidence is dramatic that the defendant had some type of ... activity with baby Kate.

Car seat in Sean's trunk. That and clothes would have remained with Ariel if Sean told truth.

#babykate "I know (from letters) ... there is somewhat a propensity to say we're looking at the wrong person." [via Twitter]

#babykate But even if other alternatives, does not take away that defendant had baby items, and baby not been found.

BLAH BLAH BLAH The_Villagers


Cooper: defendant has right to silence, but after conviction, opportunity explain why baby clothes etc. with him. Sean didn't. [via Twitter]

Cooper: If in swamp or river or lake, "the body would decompose fairly quickly," or animals could readily take remains

Cooper: Maximum 15 years; highest possible minimum is 10 (parole board makes decision between). So: 10 to 15, highest possible. [via Twitter]

Smedley shakes head. Sean looks solemn, no visible reaction from here. His parents look sad. Ariel's mom weeping. Ariel attentive [via Twitter]

Sean led from courtroom.
Sean's mom dabs tears from her eyes. His dad has chin in hand, now face to cheek, looking down. They hold hands.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Katherine Phillips--Amber Alert, 4 month infant, Michigan - by Lady Cop - 06-05-2012, 03:52 PM