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BREAKING: Shooting at Conn. Elementary School
I'm watching on the news(one of many reporting) and the news about the mother is very conflicting about where she was killed. They won't confirm whether she was killed at the school or not. One minute they say she was killed and her body is inside the school and the next minute they are saying she is among the dead but won't comment on where she was killed. But LEO are at the house so I would think if she were killed at the house it would be made known. There are going to be so many stories flying around till it all settles but i'm sure she was at the school, she was a teacher.

I haven't heard anything about the father of the shooter, and i read that article over and over and didn't see where it said anything about the shooter's parents being killed prior but i could have been listening and reading and not doing a good job!

This is truly so heartbreaking, those kids are so young (K-4) and haven't even had a chance at life. To hear a kid say they all went to the fire station and were happy to realize they were all alive and hear other accounts to hear that a whole class didn't show up just breaks my heart and gives me goosebumps. This happening at anytime of the year is devastating but right before Christmas is just terrible! President is giving his speech now...

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RE: BREAKING: Shooting at Conn. Elementary School - by heartbreaker6713 - 12-14-2012, 04:20 PM