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Birthers pick a new target!!
If it were not for Mock, and LC, I would never have found the Huffington Post. Love this.

The birther movement is now targeting Chief Justice John Roberts for impeachment if he swears in President Barack Obama for a second term later this month.

Craige McMillan, a columnist for the conservative publication, wrote a piece last week asking Roberts to not swear Obama in, because, according to McMillan, Obama does not meet the Constitution's definition of a natural born citizen. In the piece, McMillan claims that Obama is not a citizen because his father was a citizen of Kenya and the United Kingdom, and that Obama cannot be "a natural born citizen" because his father was not an American citizen. Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born and raised in Kansas by parents who were born in Kansas.

McMillan wrote:

Your failure to investigate these citizenship issues surrounding Mr. Obama at the time questions were raised during his first term places you in a terrible position. You are now confronted with a most difficult choice.
Your own oath of office, sworn before God and the American people, requires you to uphold the Constitution. (If not you, then who?) If you now administer the oath of office for the presidency to a man who by his own admission fails to meet the natural born citizen requirement imposed by that Constitution, you have violated your own oath of office and are rightly subject to impeachment by any House of Representatives, at any time, now or in the future.

McMillan then suggested that the outcome for the country would be "Illegal wars. Illegal debts. Illegal laws." The New Civil Rights Movement reported that the National Memo responded to McMillan's piece by noting that Obama has met all the qualifications for being a natural born citizen, including being born in Hawaii and his mother being born in Kansas.

McMillan's argument is similar to one used by Kansas resident Joe Montgomery in September when he sought to have the Kansas Objections Board remove Obama from the ballot in the state. Montgomery at the time argued that citizenship flowed "primarily" through the father and that Obama could not be an American citizen since his father was not one. The Objections Board -- which consists of three Republican statewide officeholders -- voted to hold a hearing on Montgomery's case, but dropped the case when Montgomery withdrew his objection. Montgomery told The Huffington Post at the time that he withdrew his case due to threats. At the time, the singer Cher tweeted that the Kansas Republican Party was "beneath slime" for the board's decision to entertain Montgomery's case.

Birther queen Orly Taitz intervened in the Kansas case, including flying to Topeka in an attempt to get the Objections Board to remove Obama from the ballot. Taitz has not taken a position on a Roberts' impeachment, but has used her website to call on Roberts to investigate Obama's citizenship.

added by QB: So, if I understand this correctly:

a) Chief Justice Roberts swears in Obama on the 20th, per the Constitution.
2) Mouthbreathing Birthers, in turn, will call for the impeachment of Chief Justice Roberts. If they are successful,
iii) Newly sworn-in President Obama selects the new Chief Justice.

Conclusion: Mouthbreather Birthers aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Messages In This Thread
Birthers pick a new target!! - by QueenBee - 01-09-2013, 12:18 PM
RE: Birthers pick a new target!! - by username - 01-09-2013, 02:20 PM
RE: Birthers pick a new target!! - by ramseycat - 01-09-2013, 02:21 PM
RE: Birthers pick a new target!! - by Duchess - 01-10-2013, 07:01 AM