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The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander
Is there one juror who doesn't understand "reasonable doubt" and who is also turned off by Martinez? That possibility, covered in the article, really worries me. Baez's victory on behalf of his guilty-as-sin client did a serious number on me.

If the jury hangs or Jodi Arias walks because a juror(s) views Martinez as a bully and likes Willmott, or has any misplaced empathy for the supposedly mistreated Jodi, it will be an almost impossible pill to swallow. Based on the evidence and confession in this case, the chances of that happening are very slim, imo. But, I've learned that a mountain of forensic and circumstantial evidence against a defendant can be lost and disregarded in favor of a bigger mountain of unsubstantiated bullshit by the defense. I hope the jury is more analytical in this case; their questions appear to indicate so. But, it just takes one...

Here's a snip from a jewel of a post over at the Jodi groupie site; good for a laugh.

March 22, 2013 at 11:34 am

Believe me, still today in much of Arizona, had Alexander said that to a woman and she shot him, cut him into little pieces and ate his liver the charge wouldn’t be much more than Misdemeanor Homicide at most.

In Utah too, perhaps especially in Utah, but in a lot of the West, were Arias from an old LDS family and the victim an out-of-state, eight-dollar-an-hour non-Mormon – say, Jewish, Moslem, or (gulp) Godless, and he treated her the way he did, a deputy sheriff would have gone over and shot him.

Gotta be a troll, or not. hah

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander - by HairOfTheDog - 03-23-2013, 01:28 AM
Jodi Arias is going to . . . . - by Carsman - 08-04-2014, 09:55 PM