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MURDERED: 8 yr old Leila Fowler - 12 yr old brother charged
In the statements from the attorney I am getting he is not saying he is Innocent. He is stating that he feels the 12 year old does not understand what he did. I feel is completely BULLSHIT. NOWADAYS a 12 year old knows more then some adults. Especially living in a house with several older siblings.

I think an insanity plea would be easier then this "to young to charge with murder". If this child did the crime, he should be held accountable.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by californiakid - 05-18-2013, 12:16 PM
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by LytoMe - 05-30-2013, 02:25 PM