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MURDERED: 8 yr old Leila Fowler - 12 yr old brother charged
(05-31-2013, 02:32 PM)Adub Wrote: lady,

That little pos, as you call him is a juvenile. Even though he will be held to answer to charges filed, his background, his upbringing, will come into play. It is very rare for a 12 year old to murder, much less their little sister. If it comes down to emotional issues, then the courts will look toward the family. And it seems the only consistent family that he has had is his dad.

And his dad may have emotional issues of his own, considering his inability to maintain a healthy relationship with women. Lots to look at here. I'm still thinking that dad may just be a misogynist.
Nasty bunch.

I don't care if he is 12 or 112 years old. Murder is murder and it is not all that rare that 12 year old kill. There are a lot of kids out there that have killed siblings or parents or classmates. Age is no excuse. Killers should all be treated the same no matter what their age is. Why should a 12 year old who savagely murders his sister be treated any different then a 50 year old man who savagely murders his sister or anyone else. Oh hell lets just blame her getting killed on Leila. Then the boy can go back to being a normal happy juvenile.

No one seems to want to hold the boy accountable for his actions just because he is 12 which is nothing but B.S. People just want to make excuses for him. "oh he had a bad family life" or "his family did this or that" They just want to make excuses because they are all scared of what the public will do if they convict and give a 12 year old life in prison. If that's the case then they need to take a persons age into consideration for everyone who commits murder.

How does anyone know the dad has an inability to maintain a healthy relationship with women. Maybe its the women he has been with that are failures at maintaining a relationship. Got to be some reason why if people think he is that bad that he has custody of the children instead of the mothers.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by californiakid - 05-18-2013, 12:16 PM
RE: ARREST MADE: Leila Fowler, 8 ys old - Murdered in CA. - by lady love - 06-02-2013, 11:27 PM