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Is homosexuality an important religious issue?
I'm not the one playing soft-serve theological tennis with you, aussie.

You've danced all over the court without even knowing which side of the net you're on during your "Serena" carnation - explaining, defending, rephrasing, modifying and generally going in circles. That's my view from the stands. Still looks that way to me, but I hope that doesn't matter much to you.

I think CN had a point about you bowing down to religious leaders who practice the "discrimination" that you oppose. You have very much praised Christian televangelist Joel Osteen and his tearful uplifting sermons, although he is by definition one of "those" Christians who you claim aren't "your kind" (you were indeed talking about Christians not Catholics). He believes homosexuality is a sin and he would not marry a gay couple because it's against scripture. Those are his words.

Of course, he also believes that they are God's children and doesn't like to focus much on that part of the scripture - it's so gosh darn negative and all. His sentiments too. From the content of your posts in this thread, it's clear to me why you're such a fan and actually purchase his books.

As for me, I have no interest in changing your religious/spiritual beliefs or those of anyone else, nor defending my own. Spirituality is, by definition, personal and intrinsic. So, game, set, match...the only player in this particular game is you, at least that's the way it should be. I hope you win.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is homosexuality an important religious issue? - by HairOfTheDog - 02-24-2014, 06:37 PM