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Peace and Non Violent communication
I have met a couple of people on my journies recently that are advocates of non-violent communication.
I must admit I wasn't open to listening to what they had to say at first, could be something to do with the messenger, but when I finally let go of all judgements I really began listening.
Also, I had a recent time out of the place I live to spend with family and one of the times did not turn out very pleasant. It ended with someone throwing something and raising their voice in anger. This is the way I grew up, this is what I know, and this was my normal. I spoke out against that person and was chastised for it-I was even blamed for causing this person to become angry enough to throw something!
I have reconciled for the most part with this family member, but now I am back to just keeping my mouth shut to keep the peace.
My ears are wide open now.
Violence does not have to be the normal. Violence does not have to be the answer.
I was closed off to this possibility before, but I am going to read this book by Marshall B Rosenberg.

My co-worker has talked about these nonviolent communication trainings she has gone to, I am going to look them up. I am really interested in this.

Messages In This Thread
Peace and Non Violent communication - by Love Child - 06-12-2016, 06:15 PM