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Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops?
It would be a mistake to assume all black people are murderous thugs simply because that is what sells ads on tv. Are all white people serial killers just because the overwhelming majority of serial killers are white males?

The logical fallacy of "if all A are B then all B must be A" is the very definition of prejudice.

Gangs become prevalent in areas where there are no jobs, no money, no opportunity, and the police are seen as a dangerous enemy. White, black, latino, asian, whoever is unlucky enough to live there. Poverty and hopelessness are the commonalities, not race. Ghettos don't have suburban tax dollars to fund their schools. They don't have any of the perks or advantages of a middle class, two parent household. They don't have civic groups preventing the proliferation of pawn shops, liquor stores and strip clubs on every corner. And when a person has nothing but the ground he walks on, that's what he defends. Many urban poor are born, grow up, live and die without ever leaving their own neighborhood. We see this pattern in the US, overseas, in Europe, in the middle east, and South America.

I'm not saying I condone black on black crime, any more than I condone white on white crime. I'm saying I understand it.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops? - by Donovan - 07-12-2016, 05:32 PM