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June is nearly here...Democrats, Media and Intel Agencies are about to get fucked
The documents reveal that the spying on the opposition began back in 2012  here  the problem becomes illegal when the information from the Obama administration was used to leak info to the media on the candidates and their private conversations. Lerner knew so did Clapper, Brennan Comey and a few others. I'm surprized that they had found the Lerner e-mails that she said she "lost" that info may bring quite a few names complicite in the FISA court abuses. But since 2012? holy crap. The "unmasking" as it is being called now should be interesting.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

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RE: June is nearly here...Democrats, Media and Intel Agencies are about to get fucked - by Maggot - 05-29-2019, 12:51 PM