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[Image: heatherhironimuschase_featured.jpg]
^That's Heather Hironimus and her son Chase. Heather is fighting to avoid the court-mandated circumcision of her child.

They live in Florida. Chase is 4-years-old. Chase's parents were never married; they share custody of the child.

When Chase was 1-year-old, both signed a parenting agreement which included a clause stating that dad, Dennis Nebus, would be responsible for arranging circumcision.

Heather claims the little boy is now old enough to understand about circumcision, that he's scared shitless of the procedure, and there's no medical or religious reason to have the boy cut (neither parent is Jewish).

Heather contends that the decision to have such cosmetic surgery should be left to her son Chase when he's old enough to make it.

[Image: dennis-nebus.jpg]
^ That's Dennis Nebus (right). He is fighting in court to have his son Chase handed over for circumcision because he himself is cut and it's "the normal thing to do", according to court docs.

The story spread on social media and Heather Hironimus and her son Chase have become poster children for activists against forced circumcision.

The judge sided with the dad, however, and ordered Heather to bring Chase to court so that Dennis Nebus could take his son to have the circumcision, citing the three year old parenting agreement.

Heather instead just checked into a women's shelter with Chase and failed to appear for the court appearance.

Heather Hironimus is now a fugitive with a warrant out for her arrest. Her attorney has asked the court to order an emotional and psychological test of Chase in relation to his ability to endure a circumcision procedure.


What do you think should happen in this case?

Messages In This Thread
CUT & RUN: FUGITIVE FROM CIRCUMCISION - by HairOfTheDog - 03-23-2015, 11:17 AM