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25 reasons why the left hates Trump
1. He spends too much time talking about his ratings, the size of his rallys and ranting on twitter.
2. I don't agree with his twitter posts that target individuals or businesses that impact their lives negatively. Government should stay out of business affairs (Isn't the what the Republicans want?)
3. The way he talks about people shows alot about his character. The way he talks to people is unacceptable to me.
(It is usually at this point that someone who supports Trump asks-"But those are just things he has said-what has he DONE that is bad?) And by the way, I believe words matter just as much as actions at times.
4. I don't like that he is taking away some regulations that could impact the environment. I believe in supporting businesses but not at the expense of something else such as the earth.
5. OH, did I mention his racism? I haven't yet. So there is that.
You know-the shit hole countries, the "Some are good, some are bad" comment about white supremists. Norwegians are okay....etc etc
6. Space Force
Srsly. As funny as it is. FFS get real.
7. Wanting his parade-that we all know had or has nothing to do with actually praising the military-but he wants to be praised-has this happened yet by the way?
8. When he says "Make America Great Again" but then he also says he wants to copy other countries. I get it-but seriously it doesn't look right.
9. He fucking cares about what Saturday Night Live is doing. Unless they are raping people or going to throw a bomb then he has no business saying anything about SNL. As a president he shouldn't care-so he needs to wear Melania's jacket. He needs to learn to laugh at himself.
10. Am I really only at 10? Oh lets see-the fact that he profits off of some of the things he has passed in the tax deal and his airplane.
11. (I have to take a break) I'll be back.

Messages In This Thread
25 reasons why the left hates Trump - by Maggot - 06-21-2018, 11:19 AM
RE: 25 reasons why the left hates Trump - by Love Child - 06-21-2018, 10:54 PM