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US agency (NSA) “collecting phone records“
I think there are some good things that came about as a result of the leaks.

If a review of the NSA data collection reveals that it's too wide a net with little benefit, and improvements can be made in the process and policies, good deal. It's also good that the American public understands that their data is being screened, even though many will not approve. Transparency.

I personally don't have a problem with the meta data screening for terrorism prevention and understand the need. If such data were being used to seek probable cause warrants or prosecute non-terrorists for crimes, I'd have a major problem with it. Haven't seen or heard of anything to that effect happening (doesn't mean it hasn't, just haven't heard defense attorneys going ballistic over something like that, and I think they would).

Snowden bothers me. I do not see him as a patriotic whistle blower. He secured a job for the purpose of stealing classified information and illegally releasing it to the global public. His actions reflected poorly on the US and put us in some hot water with other world leaders. Is that a bad thing and do the ends justify the means? IDK. But, I haven't seen anything indicating that he tried to approach an ombudsman, governmental auditor, or any other source (anonymously or otherwise) to try to affect change internally before taking such drastic measures. I fear that his true motive was attention and being viewed as a rebellious savior or something like that. I don't trust his claims. I could be wrong about him; but that's my fear based on what I've seen and read of Snowden.

If my fear is legitimate, I don't mind that he can't come back to the US, let someone else deal with him and put trust in him.

If he does end up getting some kind of clemency, plea deal, or immunity, it won't anger me. But, I'd hope he wouldn't be hired in any confidential or classified capacity again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: US agency “collecting phone records“ - by HairOfTheDog - 01-03-2014, 02:08 PM