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Anyway, you can't just "knock the hell outta ISIS" or "carpet bomb ISIS into oblvion" like Trump and Cruz proclaim. Not even multi-national coalitions who are already bombing the hell out of ISIS military/training sites and headquarters can quash them quickly by military means because to do so would mean killing as many or more civilians as terrorist soldiers.

So, it doesn't make any difference to me if vulnerable/vetted refugees (from Syria or elsewhere) are Christian, Muslim, Jewish... I don't view Muslim victims killed/displaced for refusing to participate in radical extremism as lesser victims than Christian and Jewish victims of the same radical extremism. And, terrorists are terrorists to me also, regardless of their religions.

Where I do agree with Cruz and Trump is that Middle Eastern countries, aside from just Turkey and Jordan, should be doing more in terms of refugee resettlement in their countries. I think it's disgraceful that they're not and I think that Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia...are doing what humanitarian societies do in the meantime, namely our best to assist people in dire need rather than letting them die.

If Cruz or Trump has a realistic deal or negotiation that will encourage Middle Eastern countries to resettle more of the refugees safely, I'd love to hear it and support it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: TERRORIST ATTACKS: PARIS, MALI, AND MORE - by HairOfTheDog - 03-30-2016, 03:51 PM