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What should be done about the caravan of people coming to the U.S.
I know it is fashionable in your country to call all republicans racist and cite all Republican Presidents as racist and sexist....because it plays to the Democrat base (considering the historical ties with racism and racial act, who were the Klan tied to and which side of the Civil War were the Democrats on) but can't you drop this bs?

Firstly saying the shithole countries, (not that it says a damn thing about the people just the country) was NEVER said. "But Dick Durbin said...." Yes Dick Durbin did lie. Others on both sides said he lied about Trump using that terminology AND it is not the first time Dick has done this. Last time though he was jumped on hard by both sides and roasted a little in the media.

"But his comments about Mexico not sending their best". I have said this before and i will say again. As an Aussie, when he mentioned this speech, what i did not say is "Racist!!!" *flounce*
I looked at what the Hell was happening at the US/Mexico border and what the Hell was or wasn't happening. One of the first things i came across was the 80% of Central American females crossing were raped. Not long after pictures of rape trees. Pictures of knickers of obviously under-age girls left as a "conquest trophy". Next dismembered and decapitated bodies from some border gang dispute.

Now i knew who he was saying wasn't "their best" and i knew who the "they" were that were sending the people that were not their best.

Nothing racist in it. Bit inarticulate but i would not for a moment pretend to misread him to push a narrative.

So am i to HONESTLY read Trump as racist? I mean i have the whole, this is how Democrats ironically smear all Republicans and they smear harder the more you don't play ball (he doesn't play ball) and given his two most cited egregious examples of racism during his Presidency are without substance and framed and talking up in a very ideological filter by Fake News?

Well, i consider people like Pierson, Patton and Carson. But of course a racist could still do that and be an employer.

I think of giving Jennifer Hudson and family free lodging after the murder of her family. But maybe that was a publicity thing

What about that down and out ex prizefighter and junkie that Trump gave a second chance to that got no publicity at the time? Weak moment?

What about that dying ex-beauty Queen he visited her hospital bed and wrote her words of encouragement to help her through a terrible stage of her disease? Doesn't seem racist?

What about his dating a black model who relayed that he was always a gentleman and definately not racist? Doing racism wrong?

What about his breaking down segregation golf club practices in making golf course available for blacks and jews and suing and win a case on that.....

Yeah, he is not and never was racist. Its bullshit.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What should be done about the caravan of people coming to the U.S. - by Fry Guy - 06-25-2019, 07:42 PM