We need a new floor in our kitchen, and some other remodeling work done
Therefore, I am setting up a website, payformy repairs.com Anyone willing to send money directly to me (cash only, no checks or credit cards) please do so..and I will definatly remember to forget to thank you for your support.

You have come a long way, QB ::dlaugh::
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:You have come a long way, QB ::dlaugh::
33 33
86 112
Alright, aftergiving it a lot of thought, here is the plan. We need a new ceiling in the back bedroom...from the leaks whn the roof went bad. And I want to build Trixie a nice air conditioned cage...chinchillas do not like the hot weather you know.

Another TV would be nice.

So, I reall do need to have those cash donations flowing in. Remember, if you will be expecting acknowledgements of yourdonations, don't hold your breath waiting. Not happening. Yeah, and the defense fund, in case my husband goes to jail. Man, he has a closet full of guns, you never know when he might just go postal on us.