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The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander
The jurors said many things about the hold out juror... Including sending a note/question to the judge to remove said hold out and bring one of the alternates, that didn't happen. The hold out juror said she could give the death penalty however when asked and presented with situations in which she would vote for death penalty she couldn't come up with a single scenario nor agree on the ones presented before her. The hold old juror saw the death penalty as "revenge".

In my opinion I believe the juror lied to get on the jury and then followed her own agenda. there are other members of the jury that the death penalty is against their religion yet they were able to get past that. I would be angry as well, although they explained they had no Ill will to the hold old juror, who Ive heard was number 17. This juror also had a past experience in domestic violence and so that may have played into it as well.

Most the jurors were vocal in stating they didn't believe what Jodi said, that they do think she has borderline personality disorder but that it didn't cause her to do this. Where as the hold out juror felt that ja didn't know how to cope, yada yada yada, so she gave her a pass. Also the jury mentioned how much weight and faith they gave to the expert witnesses. They felt the defense put ta on trial and that the porn stuff had no importance in there judgment. They didn't believe there was physical abuse but did thing that emotional abuse went both ways.

That's what I remember from watching earlier, if I remember anything else I'll post it if no one else has.

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RE: The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander - by heartbreaker6713 - 03-05-2015, 09:32 PM
Jodi Arias is going to . . . . - by Carsman - 08-04-2014, 09:55 PM