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Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty
The jury were allotted approx. 2 12 hrs to tour the crime scene, they were done and back on the bus in under 30 mins..... that tells me they saw all they needed to see. The crown has been said that you don;t realize just how secluded the area is unless you have been there, some of the reporters stated today that the crown was right. Looking at the pictures of the crime scene, the drawing that TLM did and the description she gave of the area, there is no denying she was telling the truth. Question: If you believe the defense theory about how they just pulled into there so TLM could talk to Tori as she was scared of Rafferty and he walked away as told to by TLM and came back and was horrified to find Tori dead, how could TLM have taken in so much of the surrounding area?? To me I actually believe her when she said she was standing in the fields while Rafferty was back at the car with Tori.

Media confirmed that Rafferty was indeed there as was his lawyer Dirk Derstine, but the cops apparently 'hid' him. I wonder if he was just kept in a vehicle while the jurors wondered around?

Here are some pics media posted on twitter: ‏ @AM980_Court Close
A view of the lane way from the road.
[Image: nzv94ofj:iphone] ‏ @AM980_Court Close
The area Tori's body was found in.
[Image: nyfj3pvj:iphone] ‏ @AM980_Court Close
McClintic said Rafferty parked his car in this area. The rock pile is in the background
[Image: oef5xrwj:iphone] ‏ @AM980_Court Close
The fence McClintic described in court. She walked to this area during the sex assault, she says
[Image: nwsb7twj:iphone]

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty - by Jezreel - 04-02-2012, 03:56 PM