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Hi baby.
Hi Ramsey baby, can I come out from hiding in the shed? Are the kids gone? I'm used to being in the closet so I didn't mind. I brought you some hot chocolate. It tastes better when you get it served from a bisexual 24 year old guy, right?

[Image: 2003-07-17_arts_and_entertainment_558_620.jpg]
86 112
Holy Forehead Veins Batman!!!
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
It must be from the stress of listening to your yappity yap yap soup chicken mouth and all the sprints to run and hide if the doorbell rings.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:It must be from the stress of listening to your yappity yap yap soup chicken mouth and all the sprints to run and hide if the doorbell rings.

Hardly. I guess it's just too difficult for you to comprehend that the only people we hide the depth of our relationship is from my kids. They don't need to know.

Depth. hehehehe the perfect word.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
It's really tough, Barry White comes to mind........
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
fuck... almost un-ignored her for this...
you so funnnny MF