
Full Version: What is the coolest bug?
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I watched a stick bug about 8 inches long walk across the wall a little while ago and thought what a cool looking bug. But thinking about it I believe a Praying Mantis is much cooler. Whats your favorite bug besides Sally?

[Image: stickinsect.jpg]

[Image: Face_of_Praying_Mantis.jpg#praying%20mantis%20gif%]
I like all the bugs that mimic their surroundings be it leaves or sticks. Excluding shit bugs though, don't like them.

Without a doubt, praying mantis. They are tough muthas and I'm always happy to see many of them around my yard & wandering in my plants. They eat the bad bugs, they are a gardeners friend. I once came across one in the pampas grass, he was at eye level with me and I watched his head follow my movements, when I leaned in he lunged at me. I damn near tripped over my own feet in my effort to quickly backup.