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(11-20-2020, 08:23 PM)Duchess Wrote: [ -> ]Don't ruin it for me, mister.   16

Food and Sex...................Hot butter on a bubbly bunn.
Just watch the latest episode of Bachelorette. (To Duchess only) I don't recommend any of the guys watch it.
(11-21-2020, 02:44 AM)MirahM Wrote: [ -> ]Just watch the latest episode of Bachelorette. (To Duchess only) I don't recommend any of the guys watch it.
Wasn't planning to watch it. My reality TV consists of cooking and Masked singers.
28 28 28

What a difference 8 days make!

trump's elite strike force team.

[Image: Endh4tOW4AECF68?format=jpg&name=900x900]

[Image: EndgPVgXIAcQZJe?format=jpg&name=900x900]
(10-20-2020, 05:59 PM)crash Wrote: [ -> ]I made it back before the restrictions got too tough. Where I was working had a lot of Chinese ex-pats. Those guys pretty much left overnight. Some of the rest of us took the hint that shit was going to get out of hand.

Some guys I worked with have been stuck in PNG, living in dongas since March. They can’t even get back to Moresby, let alone back to Aus or NZ

The lady friend didn’t really like my lifestyle or lack of wanting to not be in one place for too long in the end. She thought she did, but she didn’t. When she couldn’t change it like she thought she could, she got all pissy about it. Guess she didn’t have the magic pussy

No. She may have liked you and cared about you, but she entered the relationship with a hidden agenda. I'm glad you are strong enough to stand your ground. You can't change people, if you really love them you adapt. You do a great service to this country Crash, I'm sure you would have bent over backwards for her, but you would not allowed yourself to be controlled, and that is healthy. 

If the guy that I had the hots for at the moment, wanted me to adapt, I would without a second thought. I wouldn't try and change him, unconditional love means accepting the person. Hope that doesn't sound too corny. It's some stuff as a result I have learned from my many mistakes and war wounds.
(11-04-2020, 03:50 AM)crash Wrote: [ -> ]Gah!
Crash said Cunt.
(07-13-2020, 10:00 AM)BigMark Wrote: [ -> ]No, your coworker told me.
Speak english, I have no idea what you are talking about.
That was 4 months ago for crying out loud.
It could have been an hour ago and still be just as unintelligible.
Dirigible giggles

Glassy eyed

Your ass is fried
Trashy grifting motherfucker.

[Image: 0CHbS63.png]
Mark my co worker is me. I am at home taking care of mum. I don't trust strangers.
hah hah hah

His staff hates him too. There is no other explanation for this.

[Image: Picture1.jpg?1606448534]
Give it a fucking rest already.
(11-26-2020, 09:23 AM)BigMark Wrote: [ -> ]Frygal.

hah  How true.
(11-27-2020, 10:39 AM)BigMark Wrote: [ -> ]Give it a fucking rest already.

[Image: En1yhdeVcAIqEc1?format=jpg&name=medium]
When I saw the original photo, I thought someone had photoshopped the table but nope, it was child size.

And then seeing him meltdown at a reasonable question about his fraudulent election claims while sitting at that tiny table... I would have laughed out loud if I had been one of the press members there.

Oh, and Mark can go fuck himself with his micropenis if he can find it under his skin apron.
Wouldnt that desk have already been there? Or is that his own personal one that he brought in himself because he just loves it so much? That makes perfect sense.