
Full Version: Who DID go to college with Obama?
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It is not the first time I heard this either
28! Seb Gorka! 28
You think he is hot don't you, Duchess?

Facts are facts and fiction is fiction. Personality aside, why do so many people seem to support the idea that he was a ghost in his college years?
Obama gets off light by having no past. That is the wonder of it all.
What purpose does this serve? The guy was already president of the United States of America.
Democrats are told they can't get over that Hilary lost, well it appears that some can't get over that Barack won. Trump claims presidential harrasment-in fact he just tweeted about it again the other day, and some say "Just give him a chance". So if someone is telling me to give Trump a chance, why aren't they able or weren't they able to give Obama a chance?
Hell, I'm still blaming Lyndon Johnson for the welfare mess. And stealing from Social security.
It's all George Bush's fault.   Sarcastic