
Full Version: Holy Crapola, it happened again . . . .
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. . . . . . . As North Korea fired off "TWO" more Ballistic Missiles this morning!!!

I thought the Donald was supposed to have put an end to that belligerence!!!

I guess the Donald doesn't have such a good a grasp on keeping [Image: th?id=OIP.7NtdmE9LFQvBmuHpYOrYGQHaE8&pid...=158&h=105]  

in check as he thinks he does! Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch
..but, but, but he gets the best love letters from Kim.
Kim feels like he was played at the dmz, and he was. I would be pissed.
Where the heck can I get a haircut like that?
in note kolea