The protesting here in USA would have had a more poignant impact , "if" it was done peacefully! Thus honoring George Floyd.
As is being done, All the Looting was done for "self" gain, (not to honor George) and then all the destruction done was criminal!
(05-30-2020, 12:31 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: [ -> ]what has happened is all that energy all that injustice is swinging the other way now. The whole world is watching in disgust. Your country has got to address racism in your country. The next President is going to have to sort it out it. It's bringing your country down.
Yes the burning of buildings and chaos is not the answer but it's brown out to an all out race war. They have enough. They are equal to you people, and the world is watching and now you have a big old mess with your CV19 and now cold blooded murder. It's only a year ago the same police force killed an innocent Australian woman for calling 911 and reporting a disturbance. Your police force over there are behaving like thugs. There is clearly a culture within the force that is allowing this to continue. You have to clean up your act.
We live in a free country, Aussie. We can't change the way people think. Out of all the cops in the US, the percentage of the bad ones are very small. But we also have the media that blows it up. The guy was charged with 3
rd degree murder and I'd like to see 1
st degree murder as everyone else and it will be pushed for, but he has been arrested and frankly, you should STFU.
Lets say you were preyed upon by a certain race and you tried to avoid them, would that make you racist? And if so would that be justified or even normal human behavior?
If someone preys upon you, you should kill them if you get the chance.
(05-30-2020, 06:39 PM)Carsman Wrote: [ -> ]IMO.
The protesting here in USA would have had a more poignant impact , "if" it was done peacefully! Thus honoring George Floyd.
As is being done, All the Looting was done for "self" gain, (not to honor George) and then all the destruction done was criminal!
What I feel like you are not understanding by this statement is that many were protesting peacefully-
Other groups came in, and people from other states and began the rioting and looting and destruction.
White people were looting. White people were destroying. There is video of it.
Also in Seattle people were protesting peacefully UNTIL the officers in riot gear showed up. Kind of strange isn't it.
But of course everyone will associate the looting and rioting with black people.
The majority are white and they should be shot dead. Just spray them and take them to jail already.
I've been watching All in The Family on YouTube as my new show, even though I grew up watching every single episode. What is ironic is that life hasn't changed one bit, other than everyone is even more upset and you could never air it on TV without a riot.
Oh my goodness. I have to do some other stuff that doesn't involve watching the news. Or rioting. I'm going to do something big, something really big. Which isn't killing myself
What the fuck is this? What is this? There is no rioting in this neighborhood, no fires, no looting. This is middle class America living on a peaceful street. They were on their porch!
(05-30-2020, 10:09 PM)MirahM Wrote: [ -> ] (05-30-2020, 06:39 PM)Carsman Wrote: [ -> ]IMO.
The protesting here in USA would have had a more poignant impact , "if" it was done peacefully! Thus honoring George Floyd.
As is being done, All the Looting was done for "self" gain, (not to honor George) and then all the destruction done was criminal!
What I feel like you are not understanding by this statement is that many were protesting peacefully-
Other groups came in, and people from other states and began the rioting and looting and destruction.
White people were looting. White people were destroying. There is video of it.
Also in Seattle people were protesting peacefully UNTIL the officers in riot gear showed up. Kind of strange isn't it.
But of course everyone will associate the looting and rioting with black people.
Really didn't single out "black" people rioting & looting, what I did say was that rioting and looting "dishonored" George.
Done by "agitators", it was said 80% of the demonstrators were peaceful, but they were overshadowed by the rowdy rioters, that endangered the actual peaceful protestors.
I'm reading the news & watching videos of what went down overnight. My God.
The news is horrible this morning. The police, supported by the National Guard, were firing rubber bullets UNPROVOKED into crowds of peaceful protesters. It wasn't a one off thing either, it happened across America.
...and then there's the stupid white people. Fuckin' cracker.
Finally.........something other than Corona on the news cycle.
Yeah, trump is loving it too.
(05-31-2020, 06:05 AM)Duchess Wrote: [ -> ]
A bow and arrow?

They can't arrest him, he won't be able to get to vote for Donald if they do!
(05-30-2020, 12:45 PM)BigMark Wrote: [ -> ]He engages in economic slavery, he's a conniving racist with a flaccid old wrinkled penis!
It's wrinkled?
We have been watching rioting on TV as though football was on in the background whilst we are going about doing our daily chores.
I have changed cable providers after 12 years, before that I had satellite, we never just have free to air TV, we need to know what is going on overseas. I have always lived like that since it came in here in Australia. Then overseas too.
Here's my point, my new provider does not have Fox News on it, the Murdochs owned the other package we had. Now none of my money goes to the Murdochs, not one dollar. No more Fox lies and that nasty Laura Ingaram and evil Sean Hannity.
(05-30-2020, 11:13 PM)sally Wrote: [ -> ]Oh my goodness. I have to do some other stuff that doesn't involve watching the news. Or rioting. I'm going to do something big, something really big. Which isn't killing myself
I mean about doing something else besides checking social media and the news, but I don't know what BIG THING YOU ARE GOING TO DO!!!